• Resolved mikae1



    Today I upgraded 1.5.2 to 2.0. After the upgrade my permalinks are not working at all. I get WP generated 404’s on all pages. Once I set the permalink options to “Default” everything works fine again.

    After entering the permalink structure I used before the update (/%year%-%monthnum%/%postname%/) and pressing update I get 404’s. I tried deleting the .htaccess (which I didn’t keep from the 1.5.2 install, it must have been generated by 2.0), setting the permalink options to “Default” again and updating. After that I switched to “Custom” (/%year%-%monthnum%/%postname%/) again and updated to let WP write another .htaccess. This .htaccess reads:

    # BEGIN WordPress
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php

    # END WordPress

    https://www.almehag.se/tmp/dump_env.html shows the base page generated by Dump Enviroment 1.0.1 (check the source) with the permalink structure I want to use enabled (/%year%-%monthnum%/%postname%/) if that helps anyone.

    Upping the old .htaccess I used for 1.5.2 again doesn’t work either. You can check out my old htaccess here: https://www.almehag.se/tmp/htaccess.txt . It is for some reason substantially bigger than the new one that WP2 has generated.

    My blog is here (I’ve changed the permalinks to “Default” for now as nothing else works): https://blog.almehag.se/

    Any help appreciated, I’m quite frustrated.

    Thanks in advance…

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  • Are you and I using the same hosting HandySolo? Because the post I linked to had to do with different hosting companies. I’m glad they work for you and I know how to read.

    Me too! ??

    This must be a wp2x problem and I hope they fix it in future builds. For now I guess permalinks are not possible.

    I disagreed.

    Okay, point taken. what I meant was: there is a problem with the new way wp2x makes permalinks that is incompatable with some hosts. From what i understand there is a different, more complicated method used for writing to the .htaccess file. My host doesn’t seem to like this method so they block it.

    So, yeah. I’m switching hosts. Didn’t meant to sound rude, just frustrated.

    I also had problems, after I had an upgrade from WP 1.52 to WP 2.03 on a test-site …

    The permalinks just did not work.

    But I’ve found a quite simple solution:

    1) open “wp-includes/classes.php”
    2) find line 880: var $use_verbose_rules = false;
    3) change it into: var $use_verbose_rules = true;
    4) save your data
    5) go to your permalink-options and update your permalink structure

    I think I tried all tips wirtten here by you all.
    first ryan tip, then fixing htaccess from this site https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Permalinks#Fixing_Permalink_Problems and pufaxx method from yesterday.

    I’ve updated my scipt to wp. 2.0.3 and still can’t run other cgi scripts from cgi-bin when permalinks are set up
    If I disable peramlinks everythink works alright…
    please help, I would like to keep permalinks and have some cgi scripts workin…

    I am having the same issue. I’ve replaced the classes.php and functions_post.php files with the latest copies in this thread and done all the steps here: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Permalinks#Fixing_Permalink_Problems . As long as I do not visit Options->Permalinks, my site functions as expected. However, if I even visit Options->Permalinks, my site’s permalinks stop functioning unless I set them to the default (I don’t even have to click “Update Permalinks Settings”; just visiting the page breaks it), which breaks internal links in my site.

    I’ve followed all the steps on https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Permalinks#Fixing_Permalink_Problems , but my .htaccess is still never updated.

    Please help!

    I am having the same problem as well. Followed all the suggestions in this thread with none of them working. .htaccess is definitely writable and AllowOverrides is set to All.

    My installation is WP 2.0.4 running locally on a laptop (Mac OS X 10.4.7, Apache 1.3.33, PHP5).

    Setting permalinks to the Date and name based option causes the 404 behavior for Pages (haven’t tried categories), resetting to default makes everything run again.

    Obviously a bug somewhere still in v2 between the WP rewrite rules and mod_rewrite.

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