• Hi, I don’t know if there’s any solution to this, but it’s worth a try.

    Last night I upgraded an intranet (hence can’t give URL, sorry) to the latest version of WP, v 2.0.4. I cut down on the plugins I’ve been using for the last three versions, but my site is now running like a snail on tranquilisers.

    I’ve dropped some redundant SQL database tables, I’ve optimised the SQL database, and I’ve disabled plugins which aren’t strictly necessary to the functioning of my site. I’m using a very plain theme with no graphics which I haven’t changed for a long time, so I doubt it’s that which is causing the problem. I’ve even installed a WP-Cache plugin, which seems to be helping a little, but not enough.

    I’m really loath to get rid of any plugins as I figure I really need the ones I’ve got – they’ve worked fine with all the older versions of WP I’ve used so far.

    Can anyone suggest anything else I can do to speed things up other than disabling plugins? I’d love to hear any ideas because this lag in speed is driving me nuts!

    Many thanks,
    Kind regards,

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  • I have the exact same problem after upgrading to 2.04. Any ideas?


    Thread Starter croila


    To be honest I’d be tempted to go back to an older version of WP – if I knew how! It’s such an absolutely fantastic application, and this is the one fly in the ointment as far as I’m concerned ??

    you guys are right i face the same problem i thought my server is slow LOL well whne i browe ither web site its really good speed

    Only did the WP upgrade? Nothing else? Did the upgrade.php get run? No errors?

    What is slow: Loading the front page? Writing a post? Everything equally?

    writing the post editing the saving the post when we refresh it slow almost every action seem slow

    Everything is pretty slow- loading the front page takes about 30 seconds, posting is also very slow, even rendering the admin interface takes ages. I’ve disabled the JS in the K2 theme, but even my other installs using lighter themes are very very slow.

    Only did the WP upgrade? Nothing else? Did the upgrade.php get run? No errors?

    only did the WP upgrade. Did nothing else. Upgrade.php got run. No errors.

    Well, if it’s not Internet Weather acting up, I just don’t know. Haven’t seen anything about ‘everything’ going slow.

    i am the big fan of wp well i find so diffcult when my blog go so slow well there is no error in any part only the blog back end and front end moves very very slow

    Does anyone have any ideas about how to fix this problem? As everyone else has suggested, since installing 2.04 my site has run very slowly, in all areas. Disabling all plugins (which were all installed well prior to 2.04 without problems) didn’t help. If no one knows how to fix the issue, could someone explain how to rollback a WP installation to a previous version?

    Thanks in advance,

    I have not tried rolling back myself, but I imagine you could delete all the wordpress files from your server and install 2.03 from scratch. I do not know if any changes were made to the database, if so you might need to roll back to a previous copy of your database as well.

    You may try contacting your host and requesting that they rollback your site to just before you upgraded… may take a day for them to respond depending on your host and their support, but that would be probably the easiest way to do it… unless you can just reinstall as someone else suggested.

    Good luck! ??

    I am experiencing a slowdown also. I get admin login page times of 15, 22, 07 seconds etc. These times do get better after consecutive logins. Caching?

    I had no problems with the update. I deleted everything in my root directory except the few files and folders needed and listed in the instructions. I did not install new plugins before or after the update. I also disabled each plugin in an attempt to find the problem.

    I’ve optomised my db and ask my host (bluehost) to move me to a faster server. They did, and the latency was only marginally better. My site is an subdomain and the main site loads fast.

    Let me know how I can help.

    don (el paso

    I also can double that seems like version 2.0.4 is running bit slow — we host couple wordpress sites and one of them which i upgraded on monday to version 2.0.4 seems to run very slow at times even the server slows down when it comes time to post.. i have wp-cache enabled – seems to help without it the server load spikes up to 20-25%.. any suggestions from wordpress gods..
    her server is runn freebsd 6.1 php-4.4.2 – mysql-4.1.20

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