• Hi, I don’t know if there’s any solution to this, but it’s worth a try.

    Last night I upgraded an intranet (hence can’t give URL, sorry) to the latest version of WP, v 2.0.4. I cut down on the plugins I’ve been using for the last three versions, but my site is now running like a snail on tranquilisers.

    I’ve dropped some redundant SQL database tables, I’ve optimised the SQL database, and I’ve disabled plugins which aren’t strictly necessary to the functioning of my site. I’m using a very plain theme with no graphics which I haven’t changed for a long time, so I doubt it’s that which is causing the problem. I’ve even installed a WP-Cache plugin, which seems to be helping a little, but not enough.

    I’m really loath to get rid of any plugins as I figure I really need the ones I’ve got – they’ve worked fine with all the older versions of WP I’ve used so far.

    Can anyone suggest anything else I can do to speed things up other than disabling plugins? I’d love to hear any ideas because this lag in speed is driving me nuts!

    Many thanks,
    Kind regards,

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  • Since it doesn’t seem to have gotten into this thread, at least one of people with reported issues was actually having problems with UTW, rather than WP204.

    As for joseph, the sentence “I use X with the most basic, cheapest plan.” should answer the question of “why does my site run more slowly during peak hours of the day?”


    Thread Starter croila


    Okay. I admit it. I know everyone advises against it but …

    I downgraded from v2.04 to v2.0.2 (couldn’t find a download of v2.0.3).

    I run a 40-user intranet and I was getting such grief from the users about the degradation in speed and performance that I didn’t feel I had much option other than to abandon v2.0.4.

    But I’ve never heard of this UTW thing, so I guess I’d better go and check it out now!

    I didn’t upgrade to 2.04, I started with it and it has become very slow. It’s not the site that is slow, the site is fast, its the admin area. Practically unnavigable.

    I have decided that I will go back to 2.0.3 or 2.0.1 that I upgraded from over this weekend. Unless someone gives me good reason not to.

    don (el paso)

    Previous versions of wp can be found for download at https://static.www.ads-software.com/archive/.

    I’ve upgraded over a dozen blogs to 2.0.4. They aren’t by any means on the same server – 5 different ones in fact, and one intranet.

    None of my installs are having slowdown problems either in the blog or the admin section. In fact, the intranet folks are exclaiming about how much faster the whole thing is.

    On two of my own personal blogs, I have upwards of 40 plugins running. No problems there either.

    Those of you mentioning the admin section slowness: have you tried editing all the rss feeds out of the dashboard (wp-admin/index.php)?


    Many are concerned and not complaining mind you. Most ppl just want things to run smoothly and when somethings out of the norm it raises a red flag. I think what raises a flag for most is that our upgrades went smoothly and our sites worked correctly before performing the upgrade to 2.0.4.

    I think we the general users see a bug in the 2.0.4 code (somewhere), becuase:

    We came from different versions, host, have different plugins and themes. Each of us have different levels of experience, and as such are not nubees to wp, or cms in general. So we’re just raising our voices to get heard and a little info on how to make things better.

    I will give that a try before reverting.

    thank you


    Yes, I understood all that. However, there must be some common denominator amongst the few of you with this problem that hasn’t been arrived at yet.

    Over time, the general reason for slow load within the admin section has been (historically) the proliferation of rss feeds on the dashboard. So that’s a good place to start – take them out and see what it’s like after. If you’re not comfortable taking them out on your own, post back, and I’ll make an already “whacked” working version available for download.

    “Reverting” to a previous version is almost universally a bad idea since each incremental version has security fixes as well as bug fixes. It would be infinitely better to try to discover the common denominator rather than degrading your version.

    Thread Starter croila


    Vkaryl, I do understand what you’re saying about reverting to previous versions being a bad idea, really, I do, but there’s no way I have the skill with PHP and WP yet to be able to identify my slowness problem. And with 40 users moaning in my ear, downgrading seemed the best thing for me to do. I just don’t have the time or the knowledge to identify what’s causing my slowdown with v2.0.4.

    Incidentally, I tried removing the RSS feeds on the dashboard, but that didn’t make any difference at all. If I could even say it’s just the admin area that’s slow, that would give me something to work on, but no, it’s absolutely everything!

    Maybe there’s something weird in my server set up (I use 1and1 hosting, and it’s certainly not the cheapest package!) that is conflicting with something with WP v2.0.4, because honestly, on my side there’s nothing else I’ve changed at all.

    I’m completely bewildered, but as I have the older version running absolutely fine, I think I’ll stick with that for the time being. I love WP, and I really appreciate all the help that the forum-readers give, but I’m kind of stumped now with this problem and will just wait and see what happens …

    Well, do your best to harden your installation (instructions in the Codex….) – I would hope that eventually some one thing will turn up that’s that “common denominator”, so you might keep checking back.

    Do you have any outside access to this intranet at all? If not that’s a positive….

    Thread Starter croila


    No, I don’t have any outside access at all, which helps any potential security problems ??

    “Harden my installation” … Um ..? I presume this means make it as robust as possible? Sorry, I’ve not heard that expression before …

    Thread Starter croila


    Thanks vkaryl – that article looks very useful. Particularly the bit about file permissions, as I’ve been wondering about that for a while.

    Many thanks for the link ??

    You’re welcome. It’s too bad there’s no way to key these topics to email a concerned poster; just keep checking back, I guess.

    Is there any validity to what this guy writes on:


    I’ve been going crazy trying to figure out why the Admin panel has suddenly gone snail-o-rama on me. It’s weird, 2.0.4 was behaving perfectly ok until a few days ago. NOTE: I did NOT install any new plugins between 2.0.3 to 2.0.4 (I’m only using 5 plugins and they’re supposedly 2.0 compatible), my site is fairly light/imageless, the site is fairly fast… so I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong. The 2.04. upgrade seemed to be clean (functioning well for 1 week).

    So, I installed clean fresh 2.0.4 few days ago – and it flaked out on me today.

    Now, trying to access wp-admin.php – won’t load sometimes (blank page)… also can’t access plugins.php (half the the time, usually loads blank… I have fast cable connection, so that’s not the issue. Sigh.

    I guess, I’ll just keep searching the Web and this forum for clues.

    OK, unless the above thread is fake (I don’t know), it looks like a thread of conversations among the official devs who work on WP.

    Last message on this thread…

    So, if that’s to be believed, the devs are acknowledging that there is a problem (that they’ve yet to isolate)…

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