• hi

    have WP 2.1.3 running locally

    uploading images there is a ‘Show Thumbnails’ option

    sticking WP 2.3 on our server and migrating the dev version across I find there is no ‘Show Thumbnails’ option

    is this some server permissions issue


    has make thumbnails fallen off WP 2.3?

    I notice in WP-admin for 2.1.3 there are various upload php files that are not there in WP 2.3



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  • I’m on the newest version of PodPress now and I’m still unable to create thumbnails of images I upload. I’ve tried deactivating the plugin to no effect.

    The only options I have are:

    Full size

    Link to:

    There is no option to Show: Thumbnail. Am I doing something wrong?

    Sorry but what is GD?

    I have this problem too…

    I am also having this trouble.

    I have GD installed and it is working correctly (or rather my host has it installed).
    I’m getting thumbnails created. IE: in my FTP window I can see image1.jpg and image.thumbnail.jpg.
    My images are 860×300 @ 72dpi, so it’s not the size issue.
    I’ve deactivated all my plugins, including podpress, no change.
    I even tried the default theme.

    Still no thumbnail option in the Send to Editor window after upload, or when browsing older files I posted once upon a time with thumbnails.

    I’m running WP 2.3.1 (current version as of 1/03/07 – Happy New Years! ??
    My host is GoDaddy, which sucks I know, but this problem has just cropped up again after podpress resolved (for most people) their issue.

    If anyone has any suggestions on a fix, or a plugin substitution, I would be grateful. Lack of thumbnail support is a major problem for my site.


    barnettgs: From what I understand, which isn’t a lot as I’m not a developer or anything, gd is a library that is installed on servers, which allows things like this thumbnail option to work.

    Flynntargart: I just looked in my FTP (I’m using Cyberduck) and I see that thumbnails are being created for me. I thought that wasn’t even being done. But, like you I don’t have a Thumbnail option in the Send to Editor window after upload or when browsing older files.

    As an aside I’m on 2.3.2 of WP and it hasn’t improved this problem.

    Like you the lack of thumbnails is very problematic for me. I post a lot of pics as sneak peaks of upcoming products that people like to see.

    Does anyone exist with an answer to this solution? I’ve been waiting many moons (over a month) for one to appear.

    PodPress seems to interfere with thumbnail functionality. If PodPress is deactivated, image thumbnails and resizing work just as they’re supposed to.

    I’ve posted about this issue on the PodPress forum (at MightySeek.com) a few times in the past week. The moderator keeps saying the issue has been resolved. It’s certainly not resolved in my case — and I’m using the most current version of everything. Actually the PodPress forum moderator offers a staging system where you can try it out. I did try it and had the same problem. Upload an image and there’s no thumbnail option if PodPress is activated. Deactivate PodPress and upload the same image and the thumbnail option is there.

    For those who may be having similar issues with thumbnails, just try a quick check with other plugins (like PodPress) deactivated and see if that solves the problem. At least then you’ll know that you don’t have to chase down non-existent issues with the GD library.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    I posted a fix for PodPress here:

    I guess this can be marked as resolved. Nice!

    I have experienced the above (missing thumbnail option) for a non-plugin WP-installation based on Scientific Linux 45. GD was not missing, but php-gd was and WordPress did NOT complain about missing gd.

    Using the hints here and my own findings I updated gd and installed php-gd. Still no thumbnail option.
    However, a newly installed WordPress weblog2 did have this thumbnail option.


    1. Export all your Worpress stuff, using “Manage->export”.
    (Save it on your browser-computer, make sure it is readable!)

    1.a. Create a new weblog.


    2. Login to your server.
    3. Rename wp-config.php.
    4. Backup your pictures.
    DO NOT REMOVE the picture-files in “upload/…”
    5. Drop the database tables from your WordPress weblog
    (Maybe there is an easier way?)
    6. Make sure /etc/php.ini allows enough memory to
    48M works for me. 8MB was far too little!

    7. Run a new install.
    8. Go to write->upload and try to upload an image.
    Enjoy “Thumbnails option”
    9. Import your XML file from the browser computer
    using manage->import
    The old pictures will NOT be showed anymore
    so you may prefer to upload them again.

    I am sorry that I do not have a better work-around.

    There must be a way to fool WordPress to re-run the
    installation-initialization of the options in the

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