• One thing I really liked about WP 2.3.x was being able to rewrite post-slugs. I’ve put WP 2.5 on my test blog and I can’t see a way to do it. The handy little box is gone. I haven’t found another way to do it.

    As other people have mentioned, I also liked the flexibility of being able to move things around in the write-post section. Some things I never use, so they’re at the bottom. It’s a lot easier. It’s like WP 2.5 went backwards here.

    I think there’s a lot of good stuff in 2.5 and look forward to using it, but until the write page is fixed I’m not downgrading my blog.

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  • bdirty


    The issue people are having with the post slug change is rather simple to understand yet it seems to be just getting brushed off. The issue is that when you update the permalink the guid field in the wp_posts table does not get updated. What is expected is when you change a permalink it is changed period. None of this oodles of revisions that now only display the new updated data with the old permalink.

    Just touching on the issues this creates it causes a number of plugins and custom php work to fail because it relies on this field actually being updated but it never does. Below I will give an example.

    Default install create hello-world which is accessable at

    Now user changes the permalink to

    This is where the issue shows itself.

    Browse to http//host.tld/YYYY/MM/DD/hello-world and it still shows

    hello-world no longer exists. If we wanted it to then we would not have changed its name to new-name.

    Hopefully this is fixed and WP gets back to the basic KISS rule since WP is always pushing so hard with the banner across our admin area for us to upgrade, upgrade, upgrade and every time we do it busts the heck out of our sites.

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