• hi,

    when I try to install plugins from the admin, it asks me for connection information and I always get this error:
    Failed to connect to FTP Server https://mydomain.com

    I know my ftp info is correct (it is my own server) but I cannot seem to find the problem. anyone else experience?

    I started the blog on a 2.7 beta, so not sure if that matters. I expected the problem to go away upon using the final release but it hasn’t.

    also, not sure if it is related, but if I leave the domain field without an initial https:// or ftp:// with just the domain name. the next page shows me this:
    mydomain.com://www.mydomain.com in that field. very strange.

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  • I had a similar problem, I kept getting this error when trying to upgrade plugins or wordpress itself:

    Error: There was an error connecting to the server, Please verify the settings are correct.

    I just figured out that it was a password problem. I had the password correct, but the wordpress automatic upgrader doesn’t work if your password contains special characters (e.g. +,*,\). I tested with an alpha-numeric (letters and numbers only) password and it works just fine.

    Try creating an FTP user with a no-special-characters password. Also, for hostname I use: https://ftp.domainname.com

    Got the same error…although this is what I did to get it to work:

    For the host – instead of putting in my normal https://ftp.domain.com address, I put in “localhost” without the quotes. Same username/password as my FTP user and whala. Worked.

    Give it a try. Depending on your hosting server setup, this may not work, but worth a shot.

    Maybe this will be of use to someone. I’ve been running a few wordpress installs on a slicehost account and thought I was having weird port issues. But no, your wordpress directory needs to be owned by your webserver.

    cd /yourwordpress_dir/
    sudo chown -R www-data:www-data *

    Worked for me.

    sators, that fixed it for me as well…I imagine this is the same problem for a lot of people.

    People, try using localhost instead of the ip address or the domain name. It could be that your server does not resolve the IP or domain properly.

    Thanks sators.


    sators – that worked for me too – thanks!

    Thanks kremdela.
    I am using Mosso Cloud Server and your solution did it for me!

    i have tried the suggestions above to no avail. i tried localhost as the hostname. i used my ftp username as is, and with the [email protected]. neither worked. any other suggestions?

    I tried all the above as well,
    and still get the error message.
    I can FTP through my computers client into server no problem.

    What info is supposed to go here, I am using 2.8 on a new install and all else seems to be working fine.


    My boyfriend’s WP site is now experiencing the same problem after working fine for ages, and none of the solutions put forth to date here have fixed it. My sites, however, running the same WP version and a lot of the same plugins, all update just fine.

    His site is hosted with One World Hosting, while mine are all with PowWeb. Maybe it’s a host issue? lldanj and dragonsjaw, who hosts your websites?

    See if anything here helps.

    To add, i have no such problems with 2.8 (think 2.7 was just the same iirc)… I’ve been able to download and update plugins from the admin (if i so choose – i do most by FTP) without a problem..

    Read Otto’s response in the thread above it may be key to finding the source of your problem.

    I have fixed my issue with this ftp login from dashboard.
    I can now delete themes etc.
    My problem, was an inaccurate formed login name..
    my host helped sort it out for me.

    I have a fix that will hopefully help quite a few people out. I, too, had this very same problem and none of the suggestions above worked. Finally, I noticed that I had a couple of third party WP Upgrade Plug-Ins. I deactivated and deleted them. I went back and tried again and it worked.

    I did have to use the localhost as the domain name instead of the ftp site.

    Hope this helps a few people.

    hi all

    The use of as the host address fixed this issue for me


    I have been searching around the forums for a topic similar to this, but haven’t found my answer.

    I am testing WP on my local machine. (Ubuntu 9.04) When I see this text:

    Connection Information
    To perform the requested action, connection information is required.

    I get these various errors:

    Failed to connect to FTP Server
    Failed to connect to FTP Server localhost:21

    I do not know how to solve this problem as I am new to the Linux thing, but I know that I don’t know why it won’t connect and I don’t know why it continues to try to connect to port 21.

    Please help!

    Same here NOTHING helps any new ideas anyone ?

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