• When I try to use the comments feed at https://aboden.dyndns.org/?feed=comments-rss2 I get the following error:

    Internet Explorer cannot display this feed

    This feed contains code errors.
    Go back to the previous page.

    More information

    A semi colon character was expected.
    Line: 18 Character: 45


    This is the only comment so far on the blog and if I delete it the feed displays but as soon as another comment is added it breaks again.

    I think it might have something to do with the & in the link but have no idea where to start fixing it.

    Any help much appreciated.

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  • You do have the same subject here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/228744?replies=13.
    What I did was uninstall 2.7, installed 2.6.5 and everything worked perfectly again.

    Hey there – I’m so hoping you’re still here. Bear with me, I’m a serious “newbie” and techie-talk mostly goes way over my head. I’m having this exact problem. I suppose I can go and “downgrade” seeing as I got 2.7 in the first place (brand new blog). My question (given that I’ve just spent days (you would have probably taken hours) to set up the “look” the way I want it. Does this mean I have to redo, or can I simply save the CSS and then copy it back across?

    May be a “doff” question, but like I said,I’m an ignoramus.
    Any advice much appreciated.

    Thread Starter boden01


    Thanks for the suggestion; I have tried going back to 2.6.5 and the comments feed works correctly however I would ideally like to use 2.7 if anybody has a solution for this version.

    Thread Starter boden01


    Any ideas anyone………

    this bugfix I find here https://www.w3it.org/forums/showthread.php?p=1801#post1801

    This is the tricky way to solve:
    Open the wordpress file wp-includes/comment-template.php and search for this line contained inside the function get_comment_link():

    return add_query_arg( ‘cpage’, $args[‘page’], get_permalink( $comment->comment_post_ID ) ) . ‘#comment-‘ . $comment->comment_ID;the tricky way is to substitute the above with this code:

    return add_query_arg( ‘amp;cpage’, $args[‘page’], get_permalink( $comment->comment_post_ID ) ) . ‘#comment-‘ . $comment->comment_ID;Save and overwrite the original comment-template.php file with the new edited: enjoy now your wordpress comment feed correctly resumed.

    But I still have a problem with my main feed. It caused in both comments and posts и & sign at links.. Pls help me to add amp; in right place at post php-file.. I think it should be post-template.php file.

    I have this problem,

    To Fix this problem, your wordpress must Using Permalinks

    PATHINFO: “Almost Pretty

    PATHINFO permalinks look very much like mod_rewrite permalinks but for one exception: they have /index.php inserted before them, like so:


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