Here it is: (Godaddy Specific)
First, determine the php memory limit for your host. You can do this by looking at your control panel, directly from the phpinfo file, or by installing the ServerBuddy plugin from the WordPress plugin directory.
If your memory limit is 32mb, then you’re SOL unless you upgrade your hosting plan – however, if you have more than that you can fix it…
PHP memory through my hosting plan maxes at 256M, however WordPress could only utilize 32M.
Prep Steps:
Get FileZilla – set up your FTP info and save.
Get Notepad++ – Set it to be the default editor for .ini and .php files (standard notepad will work too, but…)
To fix the problem, first I opened the php5.ini file by right click and choosing “View / Edit” from the dropdown in FileZilla and added the following line to the end:
memory_limit = 256M ;
(Note: If you aren’t running php5, upgrade or get a new host that has it)
Then, add the following code directly above “// ** MySQL settings – You can get…” in your wp-config.php file using the same method in FileZilla. (also in root)
/** Memory Fix */
define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M');
Make sure you save both of these files back up to the server.
Last, but certainly not least, if the change doesn’t take effect immediately, go to this page and follow the steps for your hosting OS.
*** The reason I like to utilize, and recommend the FileZilla Combo is that it provides a quick way to make edits, and back them out in a hurry using the undo buttons if they don’t work. Simply undo the changes, save the file and reload it back up to the server with FileZilla. DO NOT CLOSE THE OPEN FILES IN NOTEPAD++ UNTIL YOU ARE 100% SURE THAT THE CHANGES YOU MADE WILL BE EFFECTIVE AND WON”T CAUSE ANY ISSUES.