• I am placing images inside divs. When I click on the image and add the link using the “insert/edit link” tool everything works fine after I hit update. The live page has the link etc.

    BUT when you click the image(inside the visual editor) it is telling me the link is no longer there.

    I thought this was a problem switching between the visual editor and the text editor, but it’s not.

    If you change over to the text editor it is telling me the links are no longer there and instead it is adding   outside the divs, before and after the divs.

    I deactivated Ultimate TinyMCE, but that didn’t help.

    If I place images on a blank page with no divs it keeps the links intact etc.

    Any ideas?


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  • Have you gone through all of the troubleshooting steps in this thread?


    Thread Starter isonychia


    I noticed my original post left out something:

    “If you change over to the text editor it is telling me the links are no longer there and instead it is adding   outside the divs, before and after the divs.

    I did read through the troubleshooting thread.

    I am downloading a new version of WP and will try the manual install and see if that fixes the problem.

    Other than that I don’t know what to do.

    I even deleted Ultimate TinyMCE but that didn’t work.


    Thread Starter isonychia


    Ok. I reinstalled wp 3.5 both manually and automatically. Neither worked.

    I also deactivated plugins by renaming the plugins folder and tried posting and it still strips the image links out and replaces them with   The links exist on the live page but the editor removes them after updating the page AND when switching between the visual and text modes. So it strips them out in 2 ways.

    I noticed that my OLD images that existed on the pages BEFORE upgrading to 3.5 play nice. As soon as I add an image and try to link it to a page it strips out the link and adds the  
    The existing images with links still retain their format/links

    Does anyone have any ideas?

    Again, this only happens inside a div. If I just place an image on the page (not inside a div) and add the link it works fine.


    Could be this bug: https://core.trac.www.ads-software.com/ticket/22888

    3.5.1 is in beta and will be out this week, looks like.

    Thread Starter isonychia


    Thanks songdogtech.

    I do know that by looking at the code in text view prior to switching back to the visual editor (where it removes it) that it takes the a title and href and moves it outside the div where the img src resides.

    So it renders it like this:

    <a title="my image" href="https://www.mydomain.com/page1">
    <div class="product_image_multi"><img class="alignnone  wp-image-6397" alt=" my image" src="https://www.mydomain.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/my_image.jpg" width="200" /></div>


    Thread Starter isonychia


    Does anyone know if the fix for this is going to come out this week?

    Just wondering what the outlook is.


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