• I’ve used this plugin in the past and had great success.

    I updated one of my sites to 4.0 and ran the plugin today and all the images are failures…throws up this error hundreds of times (per image):

    function (){if(h){var d=h.length;!function f(b){m.each(b,function(b,c){var d=m.type(c);”function”===d?a.unique&&k.has(c)||h.push(c):c&&c.length&&”string”!==d&&f(c)})}(arguments),b?e=h.length:c&&(g=d,j(c))}return this}


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  • were you able to solve this issue. Im having the same error.

    Me too. Searching far and wide for clues, but no luck fixing it yet.

    My problem started at the same time that images wouldn’t upload without throwing an http error. Thinking something was going amiss during image upload, I subsequently installed and activated Add From Server. Does what it’s supposed to — I can upload via FTP and then import images to the library via the new plugin — but I still can’t regenerate thumbnails or generate original thumbnails for that matter. Nor can I watermark newly imported images — though I was able to do this previously via the Image Watermark plugin.

    Deactivating all plugins and activating Twenty Fifteen has no effect either.

    I Experienced the errors that @horizon70s had.

    Turned out it was the theme causing some issues. Hope that helps.

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