Hi, Moto_. Peak internet traffic is usually Monday through Friday during late afternoon to early evening in America. That is when server loads tend to be the highest.
Your 1 – 1.5 second load time is good. If you notice any problems during peak internet traffic, then you can consider the load again. For whatever reason, an error was made in copying and pasting the little script I posted earlier. I fixed it and tested it. It works fine on my host. Some hosts disable system functions, and if they do this won’t work. But here is the little script again in case anyone reading this has problems with slow loading and suspects a server load issue.
<!doctype HTML>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>CPU Load Averages & CPU Info</title>
<h1>Server Load Averages & CPU Info</h1>
<h2>Server Load Average</h2>
// Check to see if sys_getloadavg function exists. If so, run it to
// get system load averages.
if (function_exists('sys_getloadavg'))
if ($arr_load_avg = sys_getloadavg())
echo '<div>';
echo '1 minute: ', $arr_load_avg[0], '<br>';
echo '5 minute: ', $arr_load_avg[1], '<br>';
echo '15 minute: ', $arr_load_avg[2], '<br>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<p>Could not get load averages.</p>';
echo 'Could not get load averages. sys_getloadavg() function may have been disabled.';
echo '<h2>CPU Info</h2>';
// Run a system command to retrieve CPU info. Check to see if exec
// function exists first. It may be disabled for security purposes.
if (function_exists('exec'))
if (exec('lscpu', $cpu_info))
echo '<pre>';
foreach ($cpu_info as $key => $val)
echo $val . "\n";
echo '</pre>';
echo '<p>Could not get CPU info.</p>';
echo '<p>Could not retrieve CPU info. exec() function may have been disabled.</p>';
A load average of 1 per core is generally considered acceptable. If your server has 2 CPUs with 4 cores each, that’s a total of 8 cores so a load average of 8 or less would be acceptable.