• Resolved evmapa


    Hi! One of our shop managers has the following problem. When he tries to access the wp-admin page from home instead of the office he gets the error message of “Your IP address has been banned from this site or you are not allowed to access this page.”
    We have not banned individual IP addresses, so this must be something that happened automatically for some reason. I’ve tried adding his IP to the allowlist but he says it didn’t make a difference. In wordfence his attempts are listed as failed logins with his username, probably because he is already logged in on that device, but is blocked from the wordpress dashboard by wordfence. Any advice on how to resolve this? According to him he isn’t using a VPN or anything and is just working from home, not a public place, so I’m at loss on why his IP would be blocked in the first place.

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  • Plugin Support wfpeter


    Hi @evmapa, thanks for getting in touch.

    Does the wording you’ve provided, “Your IP address has been banned from this site or you are not allowed to access this page” appear on a Wordfence-branded error/block page? You can share screenshots using a service like Snipboard if necessary.

    I found a similar topic on the forums where the same message was being received but Wordfence wasn’t in their installed plugins list: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/ip-address-blocked-4/

    You may need to speak with your host to see if any firewall products might be blocking certain IP access from their end.



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