wp admin page and cookies
Hello, I have this problem with the your plugins:
I have set this cookie at forum:
domain.com (I have subdomain forum.domain.com)
domain.com/blog (the blog page)I use the firefox and at View page info -> cookies I have:
phpbb3_cwtwb_u / k and sid
wordpress_ ……. (2x twice or more)
wordpress_logged_in_……..I can’t enter on wp-admin page/edit profile etc.
What is the problem?
hello, yes should be a problem about cookie setting than, and something go wrong when phpBB cookie are read by wp_w3all. I have not clear the reason, as on my test all was going well, time ago: but this about cookie i know is a thing that need to be completely review, also since there are some other same report about this.
In very short time, i hope when we’re still on 2016 if i can, or very first days of 2017 wp_w3all next version will be released and of course, all about cookies on mixed subdomains or subdomains install fixed, as well all the rest in the while reported.
I just tried new version of wp w3all and I still I can’t login in wp-admin, profile etc.
Step with Step:
– I deleted the wp w3all from ftp (because I can’t update from wp-admin)
– downloading the new version of wp w3all
– uploading again on ftp
– Activating the plugin and plugin redirected my from wp-admin to main page of blog.What is wrong?!
It is normal, after fresh install, and you should be so able to login.
This happen because when the plugin is activated, if the same admin user in phpBB, isn’t logged in also in phpBB, so have not a valid cookie, will be logged out. It is also reported on phpBB WordPress help install page, and is normal behavior after fresh install:
https://www.axew3.com/w3/cms-plugins-scripts/wordpress-plugins-scripts-docs/wordpress-phpbb-integration/So to be precise and complete this should not happen if the same install user, during installation is in the while logged in with valid cookie in phpBB (as maybe obvious). But the fact is, after this all should work as expected.
which version of phpBB you have? Wp_w3all phpBB is compatible only with phpBB 3.1>
Is your phpBB almost 3.1?-
This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by
phpBB version: 3.1.10 soon I will update phpbb to 3.2.0.
I will try with a fresh install of wp tonight.
The example at axew3.com is on 3.1.9 while the one where has been tested to release is 3.2. you use 3.1.10 and so i think this can’t be the problem.
cookies: what kind of server are you on?
i see you have not into phpBB cookie setting the . that prepend the domain name. I do not know if this can be the reason, as i do not remember how on wp_w3all this thing is processed on code. I will take a look right now.Hi, I seem to be having the same problem. Ive even had a new user reg on the WP site and get the same problem not being able to login. I turn the plugin off and it works fine. Would be great if you could find a fix. Ive been trying loads of different things but as of yet no luck.
Yes i’ve get your problem, installing right now a phpBB into subdomain, while WP is on domain: the cookie setup by wp_w3all isn’t recognized on subdomain.
looking … as soon i can i will answer here …
if any suggestion in the while …p.s while it should work fine if both install are on subdomains.
the problem should come out only on mixed domain/subdomain.I’m back with all data:
my forum are on subdomain (forum.domain.com) and the blog are domain.com/blog
also my forum cookie it set on domain.com not anymore at forum.domain.com
Now at domain.com all I see all cookies from forum and blog.
I see all cookies from forum and blog.
not understand if, it work?
Nop is not work! also my forum are on 3.2 now. if I delete the wp plugin I can login.
Ok. i’ve try out finally a test install into a subdomain, into a server that just a common unix-linux server with plesk.
So i’ve like you, configure the things to have phpBB at:
and WP at https://www.w3tasks.com/www/wp-dbxThis steps i’ve do to get wp_w3all working in this scenario:
i have use the custom config, as we are here in subdomain, so i’ve see it was not working about connession. It was failing because, the custom phpBB config.php file, was lacking the follow setting, which is REQUIRED to connect on my/this server correctly:$w3all_dbhost = 'localhost'; $w3all_dbport = '3306';
(this my setting, check your host/port)
So, on phpBB ACP cookie setting:
i had as default phpBB cookie value:
i’ve modify it to:
I have also set admin of phpBB with same email of WP (i do not have test what would happen if i had not do this, should be the same, but i have not test). I’ll return over this.
I HAVE CLEAN COOKIES, i have relogin phpBB, so opening WP as logged in in phpBB all work well … logged in, all work nice.
BUT AFTER, there is a problem on password, if i instead try login ON WP side, that until now i’ve not understand.
This the problem:
The password, is correctly updated for the user, as the one in phpBB.
But the password checked against his stored hash (which is the one updated from phpBB) fail to be checked
It seem to me all work very nice on some servers, but not on this. I say this as on another linux server, the check passw not fail, but maybe this is not the reason.
on wp_w3all.php file:if ( ! function_exists( 'wp_check_password' ) ) : function wp_check_password($password, $hash, $user_id = '') {
the function pass correct values to check, but CheckPassword function in class-phpass.php return false, the pass not match.
I’ve try to understand why on fly but no lucky at moment.
Please if somebody any help on this, THANK YOU! … i’ll return over this, as soon i can within my night time …So … The temporary good solution i think in the while.
It seem to me this problem affect ONLY the WP user with ID 1, the install admin on WP, WP user with ID 1. (for what i’ve test)the function pass correct values to check, but CheckPassword this function in class-phpass.php return false, the pass not match.
it is true, but still i have not understand why it happen and happen ONLY for admin user, with ID 1 on Wp (as my test): the pass check in WP fail. I need to take a look into, the problem isn’t the above probably, also if, on my localhost for example, all work fine also for WP userid 1! This in true i’ve not understand, and maybe confuse me. SOmething go wrong in WP_w3all in this strange (at moment) case. I will open another thread about… while this the complete procedure to resolve:
START procedure:
To get out of this situation (until all will be fixed).
You can create another admin in WP and use this instead of the default install admin.
Add him manually in phpBB also.
Or add him in phpBB, so login to WP.
Both should result ok, and the user recognized and correctly logged in.
In the while, remember that with the admin with ID 1 in WP, you can login WP admin if logged in phpBB.I’ve try out subscriber and not default, admin accounts, all working fine.
Remember (do) all the above, that was:
i have use the custom config, as we are here in subdomain, so i’ve see it was not working about connession. It was failing because, the custom phpBB config.php file, was lacking the follow setting, which is REQUIRED to connect on my/this server correctly:
$w3all_dbhost = 'localhost'; $w3all_dbport = '3306';
(this my setting, check your host/port)
So, on phpBB ACP cookie setting:
i had as default phpBB cookie value:
i’ve modify it to:
I have also set admin of phpBB with same email of WP (i do not have test what would happen if i had not do this, should be the same, but i have not test). I’ll return over this.
I HAVE CLEAN COOKIES on browser, and i have relogin phpBB, so opening WP as logged in in phpBB, all work well … logged in, all work nice.isn’t it?
This problem is affecting all my site users not just the install admin account
check that on this temp example, wp_w3all 1.5.7, that i will remove soon, all work fine:
and WP at https://www.w3tasks.com/www/wp-dbxexistent wp users need to be added, through wp transfer when integration start –
https://www.axew3.com/w3/cms-plugins-scripts/wordpress-plugins-scripts-docs/wordpress-phpbb-integration/Still didnt work, I’ve ended up going back to 1.5.6 as I cant have this site down any longer which is working fine
This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by
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