• Hello! My site is up and functioning but once I login, I’m unable to access wp-admin… it’s just a blank white screen. Tried clearing cookies and no luck. I haven’t changed or updated anything recently. Any ideas of how to fix this? Thanks!

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  • buysellbmore, check https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Common_WordPress_Errors

    You didn’t provide a site link. It might also be instructive, when you log in, to look at your address bar & see where it’s redirecting. You can also edit your wp-config file, using secure FTP, & insert/change the following line:
    define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true );
    That might give you an error that you can report to us so we can help further.


    here is my link to the site https://www.juicedseo.com please help me

    my wp-admin page is not loading it is showing the white page

    buysellbmore, it appears you’re using a proprietary theme. Could you please secure ftp to your server, then rename your theme folder to something like juicedseo1, then try to log in again. This should give us a default WordPress theme. Your theme is generally found in the wp-content/themes folder. If that doesn’t work, would you please rename your plugins folder, found in wp-content/plugins.

    Please let us know the results.

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