• We have gutenverse installed on 3 of our sites. Overnight, site 1 started showing a critical error on the WP admin page when trying to access. We rolled it back to the previously known working version with no success. Our error logs are indicating a huge memory leak. We isolated the critical failure to the Gutenverse plugin on version 2.0.0 on wordpress 6.6.2 using PHP 8.2. We are also seeing the same failure on plugin v. 2.0.4 on WP 6.6.1 & PHP 8.2, that happened randomly later this afternoon on site 2 and site 3 is running 2.0.0, 6.6.2 and 8.2 like site 1 is and is also down.

    Should be noted that we are hosted by Flywheel, which is owned by WP Engine and there seems to be…some drama, but whatever is going on, explicitly effects our Gutenverse plugin. Any ideas?

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  • Plugin Author Agung Bayu


    hi @mchallenger, im sorry to hear that you having this issue. and this issue is very new and no report about issue until now. probably this is because wp engine banned from wp.org https://www.ads-software.com/news/2024/09/wp-engine-banned/

    if you disable gutenverse, is problem still exist?

    @agungjegstudio I’m not OP, but disabling Gutenverse clears up my error on WP Engine.

    I seemed to have traced the trigger of the error to WP Engine’s new proxy in mu-plugins/mu-plugin.php.

    function wpe_use_wporg_proxy( $c, $args, $url ) {
    // Check if the request is for WordPress updates or plugin/theme information.
    if ( strpos( $url, 'api.www.ads-software.com' ) !== false ) {
    // Replace the default API URL with the custom proxy URL.
    $url = str_replace( 'https://api.www.ads-software.com', 'https://adkfjhd-dkshjd.wpengine.com', $url );
    return wp_remote_get( $url, $args );
    if ( strpos( $url, 'downloads.www.ads-software.com' ) !== false ) {
    // Replace the default API URL with the custom proxy URL.
    $url = str_replace( 'https://downloads.www.ads-software.com', 'https://dkdkjsdh-cvnvjkke.wpengine.com', $url );
    return wp_remote_get( $url, $args );
    return $c;
    add_filter( 'pre_http_request', 'wpe_use_wporg_proxy', 10, 3 );

    That call may or may not be returning a 404, I’m not sure.

    Plugin version 2.0.6 fixed my issue. Thanks.

    Thread Starter mchallenger


    Disabling Gutenverse clears the error on mine as well, Clayton thanks for finding that, I needed some extra sleep this morning and I’ll go hunt down 2.0.6 and see if it works now.

    Plugin Support gowinda


    If anyone encounters this issue, please try updating Gutenverse to version 2.0.6. If the problem persists after the update, let us know with a detailed description of your situation. Thank you!

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