• fatdjinn


    I recently moved servers and used WordPress Duplicator to move the site to the new server. I have never had an issue before. The transfer seemed to go through correctly and everything else works as far as I know.

    However whenever I upload an image via the Media Uploader I get a blank page immediately after clicking upload. The image will be saved to the library without a thumbnail and when I click edit image I’m met with Image data does not exist. Please re-upload the image.

    My PHP settings are thus


    I’ve ran a WordPress repair and it found no errors in the database. I’m at a complete loss as to why this is broken here and not on the other server. Php and Apache settings are identical. Only differences are this server runs CloudLinux 7 instead of CentOS 6.

    I’ve already wiped the wp-admin and wp-includes folder and uploaded fresh copies from wordpress with no resolution.

    I’ve also set the permissions for the upload folder to 777 and that didn’t help either.

    All plugins are disabled currently, but they are the same plugins that are on the old server and it works there, so I assume it’s not a plugin related issue.

    I don’t want to start over from scratch as we’ve put a lot of work into this site and any help would be greatly appreciated as I’m going bald over this.

    Thanks in advance!

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  • David Uzelac


    Which theme are you using? Have you tried using the default TwentySixteen theme to rule out theme related issues?

    Thread Starter fatdjinn


    It’s a custom theme we purchased and built upon. It’s the same theme that worked on the previous server with no changes made other than moving the site via duplicator.

    I can change the theme and see if it resolves it really quick, but it would surprise me.

    Edit: Didn’t fix it, but instead of a blank page I got a 404 page not found when I clicked upload while 2016 was active.




    1. Re-upload all WordPress core files/directories
    2. Reset all file permissions/owners
    3. Try again to upload
    4. If still having issues disable all plugins and try again
    5. Then you will know what was causing the issue

    Thread Starter fatdjinn


    @jesse I mentioned doing all that in my opening post. The issue persisted.




    Did you do in that order though? Also, 777 permissions mean nothing unless the owners/groups are also correct, reset as below:


    If still not working its probably your server/PHP configuration. Make sure you have PHP 5.5+ with GD Library enabled, and at least 256MB memory limit in your php.ini ideally and also in your wp-config.php as well:


    Thread Starter fatdjinn



    Permission reset script managed to break the installation so I had to restore it from a backup.

    I thought you were onto something with the GD Library, but I checked and GD is checked under php options.

    Memory most definitely is not the issue. The other server has the same amount of memory allocated as this one and there are no issues.

    I’m convinced however that it is a PHP issue. When I installed alt-php and changed from native to 5.5 under alt-php it changed the issue a bit. Instead of a blank screen it had before. I got a upload percentage count, but once it reached 100% it takes me back to the media library, skipping the post upload edit and the uploaded image isn’t present.

    So I installed a vanilla WordPress install on a freshly created account and the exact same media upload issue persists.

    What are my next troubleshooting steps?

    Thanks again!

    Thread Starter fatdjinn


    Sorry forgot to mention the memory is currently set to 256mb. I believe that’s default.

    Thanks again,




    Don’t use alternative uncommon server configurations if you aren’t a pro. Stick with a normal LEMP stack setup and you’ll have no problems:


    Ubuntu + Nginx + PHP-FPM (5.5) + MySQL 5.6

    David Uzelac


    I’d suggest exactly what Jesse mentioned except read the Codex on setting up WordPress in a basic way and make sure you follow the installation steps.

    Thread Starter fatdjinn


    I’m using probably one of the most common server setups.
    CloudLinux + Apache + PHP 5.5 + MySQL 5.5

    Anyway, we are getting off topic here. I still need to resolve this issue with the media uploader.

    It’s a server wide issue and affects all accounts.

    GD is enabled, permissions are correct, WordPress has the recommended amount of memory. Everything else works except for the media uploader.

    Anyone have any ideas on what it might be?


    Thread Starter fatdjinn



    WordPress was installed via Softalicious. It’s about as basic as it gets and has always worked in the past. I have 25 sites without issue on the previous server running CentOS 6, Apache, PHP 5.4. The issue I am having here is related to something different with the configuration on the Cloudlinux server. Something I haven’t been able to track down.

    I appreciate the help, but I don’t need a lesson on installing WordPress. I need help tracking down the PHP issue that’s breaking the Media Uploader.

    If anyone has any ideas on what that might be, I would really appreciate the help.

    Thank you again,

    Thread Starter fatdjinn


    In case anyone else if having the same issue. It was caused by Apache RLimitMEM being enabled. I had it set to 512MB, but it seemed just having it enabled caused the issue.

    Thanks to everyone who led me to the solution.

    David Uzelac


    Glad you found the error within the server configurations, also thanks for posting it in case anyone runs into same issues.

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