• I put together a blog.
    I’ve tried to style as many elements of the default install as I can.
    It’s colourful.
    (NuclearMoose described it as “an explosion in a crayon factory!”).
    Hopefully it will persuade a few people that you don’t need to resort to tables and html to get effects, you can do it all – and more – just using CSS.
    I hope it’s useful ??
    (Because my aim was not to alter any other code, those posts may occasionally drop off the front page. I’ll try to remember to republish them with new dates)

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  • I thought the page was to demonstrate the flexibility of CSS, which like it or not includes the ability to position page elements, but apparently its sole purpose is the display of ugly backgrounds, for the benefit of people who enjoy ugly backgrounds. Apologies for the mistake.

    Thread Starter Mark (podz)


    FFS ….
    Following this, and quite a few other sharp criticisms, I have felt the need to clarify on that page just what it’s purpose is. Go read it.
    For the benefit of Anon, I’ll spell it out:
    That okay ?
    If you know lots of CSS, then
    1 – give us a url so we may all appreciate your glorious efforts to push forward the boundaries of styling
    2 – do not criticise something which is not aimed at you.
    Also @anon, if you had read that page, you would see it mentions that more advanced use of CSS (which means positioning) will be covered in another blog.
    I’ve got to stop now because I am so hugely p*ssed off at the flak I’m getting for doing this.
    (Note: this does not include any people who have their names in this thread)

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