• Hey folks,

    I am a huge proponent of WP, have been using it for about a year or two on my personal sites.

    I am now tasked with setting up blogs for the newspaper I work for and need to know if WP can handle a high traffic site? I am pretty sure it can, but need to ensure the highers up that it can. They are sold on MT as other newspaper sites are using it, but I am fighting for WP.

    If you have some examples of high traffic sites using WP please pass them along so I can show the guys upstairs. And if possible, note how much daily traffic these sites get.

    I need to make my push Monday morning, but if I can get enough supporting evidence ASAP I can show our approval guy and he will fight the rest of the battle for me while I instal and get WP up and running…


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  • https://photomatt.net/

    I believe that he’s got a pretty high traffic site. As far as other companies, I think zdnet uses WP to run their tech blogs.

    Does 100,000+ uniques a month count?

    I’ve read before that PHP blogs are not suppose to be up to the job, but I’ve often thought this to be pushed by the Perl lobby, I’ve got to say that my run with WordPress in terms of stability has been a whole lot better then some of its perl based rivals, and this is with 1600+ posts and goodness knows how many comments.

    Yes zdnet relies on WP installation for its tech blogs.

    Even if for some reason the dynamic loading didn’t work out, there are a few static-page generator plugins available that makes things easier. I believe Matt has written one(it might even come with WP, just deactivated)

    With a self-modded version of Staticize Reloaded installed, my site survived 100K hits in < 48h from a slashdot.

    Note that some of load handling depends on the server, some on the MySQL and apache configs, some on disk setup, … etc.

    Serve up images and other static data using something like thttpd or equivalent, that can blast out static stuff at amazing speeds, and leave dynamic stuff to apache.


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