• Resolved Kuba Mikita


    Hi, I really liked your plugin WP Biographia!
    But when it works I can’t save any settings in my admin panel.
    I’m using LightWord theme in WordPress 3.3.1

    This is what debug mode return:

    Notice: Undefined index: math_reg in /home/air/public_html/odp/wp-content/plugins/light-captcha/lib/lib.plugin.php on line 54
    Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /home/air/public_html/odp/wp-content/plugins/social-slider/social-slider.php on line 70
    Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /home/air/public_html/odp/wp-content/plugins/social-slider/social-slider.php on line 70
    Notice: Funkcja has_cap zosta?a wywo?ana z argumentem, którego u?ycie jest przestarza?? praktyk? od wersji 2.0! U?ywanie poziomów u?ytkowników przez wtyczki i motywy jest przestarza?? praktyk?. Wykorzystaj system ról i uprawnień. in /home/air/public_html/odp/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3551
    Notice: Funkcja has_cap zosta?a wywo?ana z argumentem, którego u?ycie jest przestarza?? praktyk? od wersji 2.0! U?ywanie poziomów u?ytkowników przez wtyczki i motywy jest przestarza?? praktyk?. Wykorzystaj system ról i uprawnień. in /home/air/public_html/odp/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3551
    Notice: Undefined variable: hook in /home/air/public_html/odp/wp-content/plugins/light-captcha/lib/lib.plugin.php on line 152
    Notice: Funkcja has_cap zosta?a wywo?ana z argumentem, którego u?ycie jest przestarza?? praktyk? od wersji 2.0! U?ywanie poziomów u?ytkowników przez wtyczki i motywy jest przestarza?? praktyk?. Wykorzystaj system ról i uprawnień. in /home/air/public_html/odp/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3551
    Notice: Funkcja has_cap zosta?a wywo?ana z argumentem, którego u?ycie jest przestarza?? praktyk? od wersji 2.0! U?ywanie poziomów u?ytkowników przez wtyczki i motywy jest przestarza?? praktyk?. Wykorzystaj system ról i uprawnień. in /home/air/public_html/odp/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3551
    Notice: Funkcja has_cap zosta?a wywo?ana z argumentem, którego u?ycie jest przestarza?? praktyk? od wersji 2.0! U?ywanie poziomów u?ytkowników przez wtyczki i motywy jest przestarza?? praktyk?. Wykorzystaj system ról i uprawnień. in /home/air/public_html/odp/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3551
    Notice: Korzystanie z add_contextual_help uznawane jest za przestarza?e od wersji 3.3! Zamiast tego u?yj get_current_screen()->add_help_tab(). in /home/air/public_html/odp/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3467
    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/air/public_html/odp/wp-content/plugins/light-captcha/lib/lib.plugin.php:54) in /home/air/public_html/odp/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 866

    Thanks for any help


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  • Plugin Author vicchi


    I’ve just had a look at this and I can’t see any problem relating to WP Biographia. I’ve installed the LightWord theme on a test WordPress install, together with WP Biographia and I have no problems saving settings within the standard WordPress dashboard/admin screens (General, Reading, Writing, Discussion, etc) nor saving settings within WP Biographia.

    There doesn’t seem to be a clash between WP Biographia and LightWord, even after I’ve turned WP_DEBUG on.

    The warnings emitting from wp-includes/functions.php are pretty standard as that file has code which ensures backwards compatibility with previous versions of WordPress.

    But it does seem that there’s problems with the Light CAPTCHA and Social Slider plugins.

    At first glance, Social Slider might be the problem as functionally it adds support for social media links to the user’s profile, as does WP Biographia. I’ll try installing both these plugins and see what happens.


    Plugin Author vicchi


    So I’ve installed both Light CAPTCHA and Social Slider. Both these plugins generate warnings when WP_DEBUG is enabled, as you can see below:

    [27-Mar-2012 16:05:44] PHP Notice: Undefined index: math_reg in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/vicchi.org/wp-content/plugins/light-captcha/lib/lib.plugin.php on line 54
    [27-Mar-2012 16:05:44] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/vicchi.org/wp-content/plugins/social-slider/social-slider.php on line 70
    [27-Mar-2012 16:05:44] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/vicchi.org/wp-content/plugins/social-slider/social-slider.php on line 70
    [27-Mar-2012 16:05:44] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: socialslider_szybkosc in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/vicchi.org/wp-content/plugins/social-slider/social-slider.php on line 1193

    … but despite this, there’s no issue with saving preferences and settings within the admin screens; I simply can’t reproduce this.

    There may be some strange interaction between Light CAPTCHA and/or Social Slider and the other plugins you may have installed, but I can’t see that this is an issue with WP Biographia.

    I’d recommend you get in touch with the authors of Light CAPTCHA and Social Slider to get their view on the undefined variable, offset and index messages.


    Thread Starter Kuba Mikita


    Thanks for your commitment and help!
    Unfortunately there isn’t any interaction with other installed plugins. I turned off all of them. When I turn on WP Biopgraphy WordPress return notice in Plugins Panel (not notice in WP_DEBUG):
    Ta wtyczka zwróci?a 3 niespodziewanych znaków podczas w??czania si?. Je?li na jakim? ekranie Twojej witryny wyst?pi? napisy "headers already sent", problemy z kana?ami nowo?ci lub inne problemy, spróbuj wy??czy? lub usun?? t? wtyczk?.

    Which means:

    This plugin return 3 unexpected characters while turning on. If in any screen of your site appear info "headers already sent", issues with the news channels or other issues, try to turn off or delete this plugin

    In the WP_DEBUG i got only this notice (translated):
    Notice: Function wp_register_style was called incorrectly. Scripts and styles should not be registered or added to a queue until turn on one of the function suporting extensions (hook): ?wp_enqueue_scripts”, ?admin_enqueue_scripts” or ?init”. Please read "WordPress debugging"

    This is all what I got and I don’t know how to fix it.

    PS. Sorry for my English but I hope you can understand what I wrote ??

    Plugin Author vicchi


    That translation is pretty good, the notice message in English should read something like this

    PHP Notice: wp_register_style was called incorrectly. Scripts and styles should not be registered or enqueued until the wp_enqueue_scripts, admin_enqueue_scripts, or init hooks. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 3.3.) in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/vicchi.org/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3587

    … the key thing is that there’s usually a file name and line number included in the message.

    I’ve just gone back and checked the source for v2.4.4 of WP Biographia and there’s no call to wp_register_style() in the code base, which makes me think this is not the issue.

    The “The plugin generated 3 characters of unexpected output during activation” message is more worrying though.

    What is your language setting defined as … look for the definition of WP_LANG in wp-config.php?


    Thread Starter Kuba Mikita


    I havn’t any script patch or line in code – I wrote complete message

    My lang is pl_PL

    When I changed the language to en_EN and turned on plugin I got a message:
    The plugin generated 3 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.

    It was so simple and I translated the whole text ??

    Plugin Author vicchi


    Wow. I’m scratching my head here.

    So you’re running WordPress 3.3.1, WP Biographia 2.4.4, LightWord and all other plugins are deactivated and WP_LANG is set to en_EN?

    What happens when you define WP_LANG to an empty string (the default)?

    define('WPLANG', '');

    What platform are you running WordPress on? Linux? Mac? Something else?

    This sort of error is usually the result of a UTF-8 encoding error being called in a WordPress hook, normally the plugin activation hook. But WP Biographia doesn’t actually output any messages from any of the hooks it uses.


    Plugin Author vicchi


    One quick thought … try commenting out the init action hook in wp-biographia.php at line 953, so it reads

    //add_action ('init', 'wp_biographia_init');

    rather than

    add_action ('init', 'wp_biographia_init');

    … and see if this makes a difference?


    Thread Starter Kuba Mikita


    I’m such an idiot!!!
    Tell me how much money you take for an hour and how much should I send you for your lost time ??

    I made changes in file wp-biographia.php because of syntax in titles in images. In polish we have that weird ?????ó etc so i needed the UTF-8 encoding. I forgot to convert the file to ANSI…

    Shoot me. Now.

    Thread Starter Kuba Mikita


    In conclusion: works great after change to ANSI

    Plugin Author vicchi


    Phew. That’s a relief. And it was a UTF-8 encoding issue after all. If you ever have some time, WP Biographia supports internationalisation but I don’t have a Polish translation … yet.

    Good to know everything got resolved though. Thanks for seeing this through.


    Thread Starter Kuba Mikita


    Can i use that one file what I have in lang folder? (tr_TR)?
    Tell me how can I open and edit .mo file and I’ll translate it ?? (English -> Polish is much easier)
    When i open it with Notepad++ (Windows 7) i have hashes.

    Thread Starter Kuba Mikita


    I got polish instruction how to translate. Just tell me how can I send you zip package with translated files and today or tommorow I’ll send it ??

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