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  • All looks fine here – I’m using Firefox

    Heck, never mind about IE your blog looks absolutely stunning. Really nice.

    Dare I suggest upgrading to a standards based site and removing the tables?

    I’m using IE6, and there appears be a border on the right hand side of the table. did you find your solution?

    Thread Starter demoness


    Root – ?
    What do you mean. It works fine on both IE and Mozilla.

    What do I mean? Well. There is absolutely no need to use tables for anything other than tabular data. Certainly not for page layout or positioning. It is hackery, it works against the natural browser rendering model, it is inaccessible and it is , well just plain old fashioned. We dumped our tables for layout a while back. Along with gif spacers, flash intros, javascript nav schemes, invalid code, animated gifs, huge head graphics and a whole lot of other stuff. We are now CSS addicts.

    Who’s “We”?
    Yeah I still don’t know what you mean. You basically just explained the same sentence in different words.
    You would do something different because it’s old fashioned?

    That does seem sort of “elitists”.
    On top of it, the vast majority of the world still uses IE and uses Windows. THAT isn’t going to change anytime soon. Sure, you want your site to be accessible to as many people as possible but when it comes down to it, those people will be using IE. Not FireFox, Mozillia, Opera, etc…
    This is coming from someone who is a network administrator and NOT a coder. I can understand why people use the other browsers but I have to look at reality and what at least most corporate standards are. If you have to make a choice about who to impress, you are going to reach far more people with IE than anything else. Most of my end users cannot figure out how to use their computer much less use a different browser. It not fair to be snobbish about windows or IE because the real world says- “hey, IE and Windows IS the standard”. Suck but is true.
    I have all the browsers installed on my PC but I use IE more than anything else for the same reason why I use outlook- I want to see things the way most of my end users see it. I want to have the problems like my end users do because I can then better able fix the problem.
    Every OS and browsers has its good points and its bad points. Try to design for everyone but keep in mind and ask yourself “what does most of my target audience use?”
    Okay… done ranting now.

    My site does work in Mozilla and Opera. I have both browsers and they work fine.

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