How to offer a WP-CLI command.
There are three strategies to offer a WP-CLI command:
(1) in WP-CLI itself, for WordPress core (not usable here so)
(2) in a plug-in
(3) as a WP-CLI community package
For 3, the requirement is to have a repository with Polylang_Command class file, and a JSON Composer file to load it:
The drawback of a community package is it requires an extra installation. If we include it directly in the plug-in, every Polylang user who have WP-CLI installed has access to the command.
There is a slight advantage for the community package: it’s listed on
I don’t know the best solution.
The WP-CLI interest in Polylang context.
WP-CLI becomes more and more mainstream. WP-CLI is included in some popular hosting companies like MediaTemple or DreamHost. It’s also available on
It allows to do continuous integration like Puppet/Chef/Ansible VM provisioning, run tests on Jenkins, etc.
For a small project, it allows to deliver to the customer two files: a description file (like a Composer.json) and a task runner file (a plain old Makefile, or something more modern like Grun). Then, writing make
or grunt
, WordPress and the plug-ins repo are cloned, installed in the relevant directories. WP-CLI allows at this stage to add some configuration.
For example:
wp option add sitetitle "Agentschap agentschappen"
wp polylang language add en
wp polylang language add fr
wp polylang language add nl
I found that very interesting to automate stuff.
There was also this question a couple of months ago. Do you set the language of a post / term using WP-CLI? Or maybe you just setup the website and don’t add content.
Yes, we could add this, it’s a good idea.
For example, allows to create a new post and to set meta options.