• Please please PLEASE add WP CLI support.

    I run an agency, and would love to automate the process to check hundreds of websites every week using gotmls via WP CLI.

    Maybe I missed it… but if this doesn’t exist already, you are missing a huge opportunity here to sell to agencies that run large portfolios of websites.

    We love GOTMLS but hardly use it, because its too time consuming to log in, install it and run scans manually.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by Jan Dembowski.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Eli


    Thank you for your interest in my plugin. Unfortunately the scan engine is not compatible with any CLI at this time. However, I am currently working on a scheduled scan feature but it will not be ready until I can re-engineer the scan process to run without a browser window.

    Thread Starter 5lions


    More info that will benefit you from an agency perspective.

    Unfortunately, scheduled scans will not help us at all… and would be highly risky to us.

    These scans use a lot of compute power on our servers. They are very very heavy.
    Scheduled scans would cause many many websites, on the same server, to run scans at the same time, which would instantly overload the server and cause severe performance impacts. These scans can run a long time.

    Its absolutely critical that we can control when, and which website, is running the scan.

    With WP CLI support, we could sequentially queue scans, such that only one website at a time, per server, would ever run a scan, and the moment it finishes, we can kick off the next one.

    Please consider.

    Plugin Author Eli


    As a hosting agency, I too understand the concern any scan might impact the server’s performance. The current scan process requires a browser to queue up linear scan batches and track the results until the scan is complete so it is not compatible with any CLI or scheduling agent.

    The new scan engine I am working on will be independently coordinated so it will not rely on an active browser to maintain a continuous session, thereby enabling a scheduling agent to initiate scans. This will also be much more efficient in many ways so you and I will not have to worry so much about the impact of the scans on our system resources. Although the impact will still be as real as the threat of malware it will not be as risky as you might be thinking.

    My main goal has always been and always will be to help the end user remove malware and protect their site from infections, but I know that my plugin is used by a lot of hosting and cleaning agencies as well. In the end I will do what I can for the overall success of my plugin to have the greatest effectiveness for the most users.

    Thanks again for your continued interest. I hope you will find the new scan engine beneficial for your usage need when the upgrade is finally available. If you want to keep in touch with my directly then I can let you know how you can become a BETA tester when the time comes so that you might have the most potential to influence the course of the development of this new feature.

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