There are several factors involved.
1. The theme obviously
2. The store is not entirely mobile ready. This is a top priority, at the time the plugin was designed there wasn’t a mobile market. Version 4. will be introducing an entirely new theme engine that will handle modern themes far better.
3. Your display settings can go further to correct visual issues especially if you are using Grid View (I assume this is the case)
In your presentation settings (Settings > Store > Presentation tab)
Scroll down tot he Grid View settings and where is asks how many products per row clear this field and save. This will allow the design to reflow in a natural manor. rather than a forced set limit. It’s the forced set limit that causes the squishing.
In a design where something is more fluid the products will be able to align one on top of the other in larger boxes so you can view them in a nicer way.
If you’re inclined you can also dequeue the Grid View styles
This would also mean you would need to add back your own styles… depends on how much time you want to invest in it.