• I’m starting my third blog hosted on my current site, but this is the first one that I am personally setting up. I thought I had entered the correct information into the wp-config.php file – I changed the prefix to account for the multiple blogs – but when I went to run the install, I got a whole bunch of code before the regular install screens.

    Can anybody provide an answer?

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  • What kind of code? We need the error message before we can even begin to know what went wrong…

    Thread Starter dslifton


    It’s not an error message. The first few lines of code are:

    ion auth_redirect() { // Checks if a user is logged in, if not redirects them to the login page if ( (!empty($_COOKIE[USER_COOKIE]) && !wp_login($_COOKIE[USER_COOKIE], $_COOKIE[PASS_COOKIE], true)) || (empty($_COOKIE[USER_COOKIE])) ) { nocache_headers(); wp_redirect(get_option(‘siteurl’) . ‘/wp-login.php?redirect_to=’ . urlencode($_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’])); exit(); } } endif; if ( !function_exists(‘check_admin_referer’) ) : function check_admin_referer($action = -1) { $adminurl = strtolower(get_option(‘siteurl’)).’/wp-admin’; $referer = strtolower(wp_get_referer()); if ( !wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST[‘_wpnonce’], $action) && !(-1 == $action && strpos($referer, $adminurl) !== false)) { wp_nonce_ays($action); die(); } do_action(‘check_admin_referer’, $action); }endif; if ( !function_exists(‘check_ajax_referer’) ) : function check_ajax_referer() { $cookie = explode

    …and it goes about for probably another 150 lines or so.

    THat means PHP is not running on that server.

    Thread Starter dslifton


    But I have two other WP blogs running on that site.

    Thread Starter dslifton


    Does anybody have an answer?

    Sorry, but there is no other answer if you see all that code: no PHP where you try to install it.
    Are you trying to install it in a subdir of an existing site?

    Thread Starter dslifton


    Yes. It’s in a subdirectory.

    Thread Starter dslifton


    So is there any reason why I have PHP in the other directories but not the new one? Is there a solution?

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