• Resolved smarx80


    using wp-super-cache and ithemes security, sometimes there are consistency problems in file wp-config.php

    In particular, ithemes writes its own section at the beginning of the file, which starts with
    // BEGIN iThemes Security – Do not modify or remove this line
    and ends with
    // END iThemes Security – Do not modify or remove this line.

    For its part, wp-super-cache writes its own define WP_CACHE line, but it happens that by deactivating and reactivating wp-super-cache , it writes this line into the ithemes security section.
    Ithemes security occasionally rewrites the data in its section, deleting extraneous or incorrect configurations, so it also deletes the define WP_CACHE line.

    Can you investigate and get a way to write correctly to wp-config.php so that your lines don’t go into other sections and get removed?

    Thanks, Simone.

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