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  • WP 1.5 /Gila Theme
    The contact quicktag is visible, but activating it (or manually pasting in the quicktag) fails to produce a visible form
    OK, the following suggestions have been tried, each with no joy:
    Jinsan’s suggestion concerning CSS
    checking for page.php in the theme – it’s there in the theme root, not in a template folder….but it’s there nonetheless.
    Now, active Plugins:

    • Fancy Tooltips 1.2.1
    • Include Page 1.1
    • RunPHP 1.2b4 (yes I know I have 2 php packages in, and may slim that down soon to only one)
    • WP-Contact Form 1.1

    My uneducated guess is that the theme is the problem….but I emphasize that that is only a guess. I hope to hell I’m wrong because I truly like the three column plain vanilla layout that I hacked this theme to be (I mauled the css mainly, nothing much beyond that)

    Ideas anyone?

    Firas, if it did not solve the problem for you, try to check if you have a page.php inside the template folder. If a page.php does not exist, you’d have to create one. One that is compatible with the template you are using.

    I think this may apply to me. I’m using a theme that doesn’t include a page.php, but does include a few templates (that are working normally). But I am having an issue with WP-ContactForm.

    I’ve installed it according to the directions, entered my Options, I do see the “contact form” button in the Write form, and the CSS and <!–contact form–> show up in view source.

    I’ve created a template called “Contact” that looks like this:

    Template Name: Contact
    <?php get_header(); ?>
    <div id="content">
    <h2>Send email to Cuppa News</h2>
    <p class="para">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Quisque venenatis neque sed tortor. Nulla sit amet dui a neque eleifend facilisis.</p>
    <!--contact form-->
    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>
    <?php get_footer();

    I’m calling this page from a “Contact” link on my menu. Everything is displayed correctly, except the Contact form.

    Any thoughts or suggestions?


    You don’t need to create a contact template. You just need to press the quicktag to enter the tag within a page, save that page and that will be your contact page. I’ve set mine to the default template for my site. I don’t have a page.php either by the way.

    Once you create the page, click manage pages, hit view> does the page display? If yes, copy the link to that page and place it where you need to.

    If not…buggered if I know, trial and error. Update to the latest version. Is the plugin activated and so on?

    Hoopla I didnt’ see the plugin activated on your page. can you confirm it’s active?

    You cannot call wp-contactform in php, it has to go through a the_content() filter in WP.

    OK, it’s becoming a bit clearer now. (Jinsan, I’m doing this on a test site, which is why you don’t see the plugin.)

    Firas, I think you’re saying that the contact form has to be part of the same loop as posts — is that right? When I look at page.php in the default theme, that’s how it appears to me.

    If you look here, you’ll see what I’m seeing now.

    I’d like “Contact” to be where Date is now, I don’t want to see meta stuff, I don’t want a page number at the bottom, and I’d like to add a paragraph of introductory text above the form.

    But it looks to me as though the content of this page lives in the database (like a post). How do I modify its appearance without a template?

    You cannot call wp-contactform in php, it has to go through a the_content() filter in WP.

    Firas, now that I think some more, are you saying that this plugin can only be used in posts and not in a static page — as I’m trying to do?

    Hooopla – sorry if this is stating the obvious but is this what youare doing:

    > Activate Plugin
    > Click Write Page
    > Click Quicktag for Comment Form
    > Set template to Default in drop down menu
    > Save Page
    > View Page


    Yes, that’s what I’m doing, Jinsan.

    After much reading of the codex, I think the plugin really is intended to be used in posts and not in static pages. I seem to specialize in trying to pound square pegs into round holes… ??

    I’m off to one of the php script sites to look for a contact form that can live in a static page.

    No, it was developed for static pages (but can be used on posts too)–it just has to go through WP. Somehow you need to put the quicktag inside a write post or write page form.

    When you make a custom php template and enter this:

    <p class="para">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Quisque venenatis neque sed tortor. Nulla sit amet dui a neque eleifend facilisis.
    <!--contact form-->

    Then the <!–contact form–> part is just being spit out to the browser directly, no conversions from quicktag → html form are happening.

    Anyway, I’m curious as to why just making a new page and hitting the quicktag without futzing around with templates doesn’t work for you. Making it work like that is the whole point ??

    Like cjraven, I am having trouble with this plugin using the Gila theme. The form doesn’t render properly. Using Mac/FF the form shows up pushed way down to the bottom of the page, so I have to scroll down to it. Same deal with Safari. Using Mac/IE the rendering is even worse… The top field shows up in place, but the the rest of the form is pushed way down, and the field labels are pushed even further down the page. Can anyone offer some advice?

    See here:



    Nickel: I responded to your email and will look at the css issue this evening.

    Anybody experiencing the contact form being placed at the bottom of the page, please try this code…

    .contactform {
    position: static;
    overflow: hidden;

    The CSS is defined near the end of wp-contactform.php

    If I get enough replies of fixes and nothing breaking, I’ll update and put out a fix release.

    That fixed it.

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