• I am sorry, but I must say that after about one month of working around bugs in this software, it’s Beta quality at best. I can’t encourage anyone to use this in production! I paid the license fees for the “goldcart” and “members” plugins.
    What did I get:
    – Unusable translation: Less than 50% of the messages are translated and if, then in a false way.
    – Some pages use hardcoded english messages which have to be found and altered.
    – Dashboard Pages are displayed in a german / english mixture; unusable for my client
    – Displays of money amounts are hardcoded american style (swapped use of decimal point an comma) – has to be fixed
    – Custom tax calculations not working – This will be a real issue as soon as my client starts to sell any Products besides research papers!
    – Shipping cost calculations also seem to be buggy and shipping cost has to be entered on product and shop level?
    – Layout of checkout page / details page looks like crap and reaches into the sidebar. Has to be reworked completely.
    – Members plugin has serious flaws a) Page content is always shown when no <preview> Tag is set. This has to be reworked, otherwise my client will publish members only pages to the public. b) Admin page destroys the WordPress admin account when by mistake the capability has been granted to admin and is removed. The capabilities are then reset to subscriber leaving you with an unusable admin account. Has to be reworked.

    Production use of this “product” out of the box is definitely not possible! I’m already behind schedule with the site for my client and I’m sure that I’m not yet through with all the bugs. I’m definitely not going to use this plugin on any other site.

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  • Just curious, was the version you had that bad luck with 3.8 or up?

    Sounds like 3.8 and up, since it’s a week old likely 3.8.2 or 3.8.1.

    Regarding the Members Plugin, failing support to fix your issue I would request a refund via PayPal, I’d do the same with any other purchase.

    Your broken Checkout table sounds like a Theme-specific issue, I’ve thrown this Plugin at a few free and premium Themes without a hitch, check for any unclosed div’s or overflow’s within your Theme CSS.

    Your other issues, some critical/some minor, should all be raised as free and/or premium support topic’s to get fixed in the next Plugin update as I’m confident others must be affected by them aswell. Hopefully this is a good start ??

    It’s likely those support requests will go unanswered as EVERY ONE of mine have. I’ve got one major issue sitting in the forums and it has gone unanswered for 2 months despite the fact that I frequently bump the thread and beg for help in it.

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