• laragh



    Can anyone help me please. I’m new to WP and having problems removing the footer info in WP-Creativix. I’ve tried editing some code but messed it up so far.
    I want to remove the WP logo and ‘Copyright by…’ and ‘Layout by..’


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  • Michael


    assuming you have edited footer.php of the theme, what have you removed from the code, and how did the ‘messed it up’ show?

    please post a link to your site to illustrate the issue.

    Thread Starter laragh



    Yes, I edited the footer.php but I have restored it to the original code now. I want to remove the WP logo and ‘Copyright by…’ and ‘Layout by..’
    Here is the foot code but I don’t know exactly what to remove. My site’s not live yet!

    [code moderated - please use the pastebin for any code longer than 10 lines]



    I would remove this section:

    <div class="wordpress-icon">
    		<a href="https://www.www.ads-software.com/"><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/wp-icon.png" alt="wp-icon" /></a>
    		COPYRIGHT BY <a href="<?php echo home_url();?>" title=" <?php bloginfo('name'); ?>" target="_blank"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a> | <span class="copyright">LAYOUT BY <a class="copyright" href="https://www.iwebix.de/" title="webdesign" target="_blank">IWEBIX Webdesign</a></span>

    no idea how this will effect the layout.

    Thread Starter laragh


    Thanks for your help.
    I realise now that you may need to see the site in order to know how the layout will be affected. Sorry, I have alot to learn!
    My site is still under construction but here is the link.


    I’d also like to increase the font size on the pages as its very small. I would be very grateful for any help.




    I checked in my local test blog, and you should be able to remove the suggested section in footer.php without negative effects on the layout.

    the very small font is defined in style.php:

    blockquote {
    border-left: 5px solid #CCC;
    margin:10px 0 10px 0px;
    font-size: 11px;
    float: left;
    clear: left;


    blockquote p { .... }

    for general formatting problems, try to work with a tool such as Firebug https://getfirebug.com/ to investigete the involved css selectors;
    help with fundamental formatting is not within the scope of this WordPress forum.

    Thread Starter laragh



    Thanks for your help.I will investigate firebug!

    I decided to edit the footer rather than delete it.
    My problem now is to remove the wp logo.
    When i remove what i think is the correct code it moved all the other text under the footer area.
    Any advice please on the exact code to delete without effecting the text would be appreciated.



    When i remove what i think is the correct code it moved all the other text under the footer area.

    and what exactly did you remove?

    imho, it could not be any more obvious to remove only this part:

    <div class="wordpress-icon">
    		<a href="https://www.www.ads-software.com/"><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/wp-icon.png" alt="wp-icon" /></a>

    Thread Starter laragh



    Yes, to me that was the obvious code, which is what i removed, and yes the logo is gone but like i said all of the other footer text has been moved down out of the footer area. I’ve obviously interferred with the spacing somehow but I’m not sure how…



    you left this in footer.php:


    (which is the third line in the code I posted earlier)

    coding is exact – if you want to keep customising your theme, you will need to learn to recognize and respect the basic structures of html, such as opening and closing html tags.

    this WordPress forum is not the place to teach these skills.

    for instance: https://www.w3schools.com/html/

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