• Hi guys,

    yesterday we were releasing our first free premium WordPress theme.
    It has many features, for example a Javascript Dropdown Menu, a Javascript slideshow on frontpage and a nice Portfolio with Lightbox support. Of course this theme is widget-ready!

    Try it by yourself – Great Design and great functions!



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  • I can’t get the navigation (pages) to show up chronologically.
    Right now it automatically sort my pages on the navigation alphabetically.

    Can someone please please please help?

    Super thanks in advance.

    Hello IWEBIX, great theme.

    I keep having a problem with my thumbnails stacking rather than lining up horizontally. I did adjust the div’s around the logo but did not alter the wrapper or any major div that I would suspect to affect the thumbnails.

    site example


    I have some problems with thumbnails.

    1.)First it was working, then when I went to the Creativix Options, I was notifed that I need to change the owerwrite settings to 777. I did it, and now the thumbnails does not show.

    2.) I would like to ask you, how I can add the Portfolio to the main menu, as it is not showing in my page.

    3.) could you give me a colour code list and the way, how I can change he back-ground?

    4.) Is there any way to make a 2 sidebar option maybe under the thumbnail section on the home page?

    I like this theme very much and would like to use it, but have no IT knowledge, and would need some more options to customize. Is there any option to do it?

    my website is https://www.eu-business-development.com

    thank you very much for your help

    Hello! So, now that the multi-site functionality of WPMU has been merged with WP 3.0, I’ve tried to use this theme on a new WP-created subdomain. Unfortunately, now that I’ve done that, I’m having the problem with timthumb and file paths well-documented in posts like these.

    Can you help at all? As you can see by looking at my test install of this blog (created on the beta versions of WP 3.0), the only difference between it and the new install is that timthumb can’t find the correct file paths in order to create thumbnails.

    I really love this theme and I want to use it, but right now I can’t if I want to use it as a second blog on WP 3.0. I attempted to implement the fixes suggested by people in the WPMU forums, but I’m just not a strong enough coder to figure out how to make those work with this theme.

    Help?? If you could tell me what code to replace where, I could manage it from there.


    I don’t think I fully understand how the thumbnails work… I can get the “Featured” image to display correctly everywhere except the slideshow…

    See: https://www.tristanbills.com/

    What do I need to do?

    thank you for the template! ?? https://www.bar-kochstudio.de

    ryans213 mentioned 4 months ago:

    I keep having a problem with my thumbnails stacking rather than lining up horizontally. I did adjust the div’s around the logo but did not alter the wrapper or any major div that I would suspect to affect the thumbnails.

    I am having this very same issue with my template below:

    I’m working on getting this theme to match-up with the alTop-Theme. I think I’ve done an okay job so far, but the stacking thumbnails is driving me nuts! I’ve turned off the “overflow: hidden” so that you can see what my problem is. A copy of the style sheet I’m working with is here.

    Any help would be great! I just can’t figure this out.

    Okay, I have found the answer. Of course I find it right after I post looking for the answer. Then again, I have been looking for 3 days, so I was bound to find it at some point. Lol.

    If you are having issues with the Slider thumbnails stacking, here is the answer . .

    Look for

    #fronter {
    top: 10px;

    and paste inbetween the bracket things the following. . .

    white-space: nowrap;
    overflow: auto;

    This works great in Firefox and IE.
    You don’t even have to remove the “overflow: hidden” from #frontarea if you don’t want to. It seems to work without it too.

    I’m seriously glad I found this.

    One other thing while I’m thinking on it. I was having an issue with the comment box going out of bounds and crossing into the sidebar with the widgets. I fixed it using the following…

    Look for

    #comment-wrap {
    border: 0px;
    color: #6e6e6e;
    font-size: 11px;

    The info inside the brackets might vary depending on how you customised it.

    Then add the following between the brackets:

    overflow: hidden;
    word-wrap: break-word;

    And voila! The comments form stays in-bounds.

    Awesome theme.

    My host is going to PHP5 *only* after Sept 6, so I switched over to PHP5 today…and Creativix broke completely. All the data is there, but it’s not being controlled by CSS at all, just raw HTML output in the browser. Very ugly ??

    Any help for that?

    I really need some assistance with getting the thumbnails to show up in the slider below the main image. I have followed every advice in this forum and yet nothing works. I have set the chmod to 755 and thumbnails are allowed but they dont display.

    Been poking at this for some time, trying to find a solution –

    The first problem is that the blog posts which show up in the main slider give 404 errors when I click on them. I don’t see that anyone else has this problem so I’m not sure what I did wrong.

    But what I really want is for them not to be links at all, but just unclickable text. It’d just scroll through the articles, brochure-like. They did it on this page, so I know it can be done: https://www.arrayshield.com/

    Here is the one I’m working on: https://www.weatherproofsolutions.com/

    How do I make that text just text, and not a link? TIA ??

    This is a great looking template.

    I can′t seem to show the images of the slideshow.

    Do I have to do something different than:
    Under POST:
    Add-custom field:
    Name: (name of a category??)
    Value: Link to an image.

    Where do I give rights for a template to be re-writible?


    can anyone answer this post? the wp version i just downloaded has no key feature? and i cant get the images to show up in the portfolio or in the slide show?

    i cant get the slidshow to show up using feature then the image with custom fields???


    Can somebody tell me how can I change Featured pictures in slideshow from 16:9 to 4:3, pictures are too stretched in 16:9


    Please help


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