• It seems that caching prevents my WordPress website from executing WP Cron jobs properly. I use a custom plugin to send hourly mails which hardly ever happens. After I started getting scheduled mails 2 days after scheduling, I suspected caching and disabled it. Now it works hourly.

    What do I have to do to ensure that all WP_Cron jobs are executed eventually when users visit my site?

    Do I have to ensure additional requirements inside my cron schedule or callbacks?

    I will add my W3 Total Cache configuration below.

    My custom cron callback is defined by a simple plugin

    Abstract of the essential parts:

    wp_schedule_event( time(), $openmindculture_cfirm_interval, OPENMINDCULTURE_CFIRM_SCHEDULE_NAME, $openmindculture_cfirm_args, true );
    add_action('openmindculture_cfirm_schedule', 'openmindculture_cfirm_schedule_callback', 10, 1);
    function openmindculture_cfirm_schedule_callback( $arg ) { // …
    // generate and send a report using wp_mail

    The strange thing is that no scheduled callback seemed to get called when I tested, but two days later, I start getting report mails from missed cron jobs.

    The site has very few traffic, but of course I generated additional test traffic using BrowserStack and different mobile phone browsers.

    I used WP Crontrol to view my cron jobs and saw that the next scheduled time changed every hour for my hourly job, and I called the callback from outside a scheduled callback to verify that the code inside is working.

    W3 Total Cache Configuration:

    • Page Cache: Enable
    • Page Cache method: Disk: enhanced
    • Minify: enable
    • Opcode Cache: Zend Opcache
    • Object Cache: Enable
    • Object Cache Method: Disk
    • Browser Cache: Enable

    Not enabled: Database Cache, CDN, Reverse Proxy, Fragment Cache, Miscellaneous, Debug

    Theme: Fasto, Fasto Child (classic themes from pre Gutenberg era)

    I found a possibly related existing resolved issue, but I did not understand the details and the solution. Was that a bug in W3TC that should be fixed by now?

    I will continue experimenting with cache settings after reenabling.
    Currently I have:

    Cron scheduled as hourly: 20231009
    Cron mail received: 20231011-19:11
    Cron mail received: 20231011-19:52
    Caching disabled: 20231011-20:26

    Cron mail received: 20231011-20:50
    Cron mail received: 20231011-21:50

    What do I have to do to ensure that all WP_Cron jobs are executed eventually when users visit my site?

    Do I have to ensure additional requirements inside my cron schedule or callbacks?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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