• Resolved penmig


    Hi there,

    We have been in contact but I’ve lost the conversation due a little crash.
    I’ve installed WP Customer Area and it was working fine, awesome, but… the menu bar of my theme disappears.
    The author of the theme told me that if it’s necessary to make changes on the theme it’s a problem.
    I’ve sent you credentials to my WP admin, you say the plugin it’s not installed, right, I must delete it because the site is live, but if you want to make a test just let me know, it’s ok, you can install your plugin and then see what’s up, better than you, nobody else.

    If you can help me will be great.

    Have a nice time and sorry for boring.



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  • Plugin Contributor Vincent Mimoun-Prat



    we do not do anything on live websites. You need to have a test website ready, showing the problem.

    Please note that as indicated on our terms and conditions, we do not have any kind of premium/VIP support service, so support is provided as per our availability and limited to helping people solve problems.

    We do not provide any kind of installation service, custom theme integration, etc.

    Thanks for understanding,


    Thread Starter penmig


    Thanks Vincent, I understand, but if you understand me I can’t buy a premium access if I can’t show a “live” working demo on our site to my boss.

    That’s my problem, have a nice time


    Plugin Contributor Vincent Mimoun-Prat


    Even if you wanted to buy such an access, we don’t offer one: we do not do premium support.

    We do our best to support everyone at the same level, we do not have the resources to run a full premium support service.

    Once you get a test website where we can safely try things (which means not the final, live website), and once we get some time to do that, we’ll have a look.

    If you are in a hurry, the best would be to contact any web developer/designer/integrator in your area to ask him to have a look at your CSS problem. This should not take very long for a professional.


    Thread Starter penmig


    Thanks Vincent, I’ll try to setup a test site for tomorrow night/saturday morning (UCT+1)
    Then can I have your advice?

    Or, more simple, if you have any tip/trick to bypass the CSS action on my theme for the Main Menú and I just create a new menu item linking to the plugin pages that will be great and fast.

    Let me know what do you think, please.

    Have a nice time


    Thread Starter penmig


    Hi Vincent,

    I’ve been working around and solved the problem, now I just have a stupid thing I don’t know what to do. I suppose when you click on the (main menú) in my case “Area CLientes” (means Customer Area in spanish” I should be directed to a LOGIN page, this not happens right now.
    I’ve followed all instructiones on the plugin documentation.

    I’m sorry to bother, but Im in a rush, hoping to solve all this weekend.

    Thanks in advance for your help


    Plugin Contributor Vincent Mimoun-Prat



    Yes, every page protected by WP Customer Area will only be accessible to logged-in users.

    – Make sure the page has one of the customer-area-xxxx shortcodes
    – Make sure you are not logged-in (obviously)

    Thread Starter penmig


    Thanks Vincent,

    But….where is the LOGIN page?

    I have https://arentiainformatica.es/customer-area/ with shortcode “[customer-area /]”


    Plugin Contributor Vincent Mimoun-Prat


    If you have the authentication forms add-on, the login page is one of the pages published (usually named “Login”).

    If you don’t have that add-on, the login page is the same one you use to enter the administration panel.

    If you feel pages are missing or are not properly recognised, I suggest you reset the pages and/or the navigation menu from “Settings > WP Customer Area > Frontend”

    Thread Starter penmig


    HI Vincent, I have no budget by now, how I can link the WP login to your plugin?

    I’m very sorru but I’m a newbie in WP


    Thread Starter penmig


    Hi Vincent, my boss says we will buy the login addon, please give me coordinates to pay.


    Plugin Contributor Vincent Mimoun-Prat



    Just go to the plugin website and click on “add-ons and themes” in the top menu.


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