• I just installed wp-e-commerce and am halfway done setting things up.
    Man this thing is complex!
    Questions bolded ??

    When I tried to upload a zip file, there was a 32MB upload limit on the dashboard.
    When I tried to upload through FTP I got a 550 error – permission denied – for the wpsc/downloadables folder.
    I finally fixed that by resetting the owner on my control panel from my server/hosting people. (was ‘apache’ now is ‘my name’ )
    I can now upload zip files through FTP into that folder. *yay*
    But now Wp-e-commerce is complaining in my dashboard about permissions */yay*

    Is this going to be a problem?

    The following directories are not writable:

    * /public_html/wp-content/uploads/wpsc/downloadables/

    You won’t be able to upload any images or files here. You will need to change the permissions on these directories to make them writable.

    Uploading via FTP seems to work in that I can select my uploaded files.
    But how do I ‘insert’ products in my blog posts??

    (I tried to post this on the WP e Commerce forum, but it doesn’t send me a confirmation email or my ‘forgotten’password…)

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