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  • Hi mufasa is this Simplecar theme work properly?
    can you please help me to do this!
    Do you have any video tutorials regarding this?


    how do i add a home link button on top ?? i can`t find wp_list_pages()

    I copy the files in the themes but it is broken.

    Broken Themes
    The following themes are installed but incomplete. Themes must have a stylesheet and a template.

    Name Description
    simpleCart(js) Template is missing.


    WP e-Commerce + thematic + Simplecart = an amazing job. I have got this working on a number of test sites.

    It is a stunning theme that was made for the WP e-Commerce Plugin. If all you’ve got time to do is pick holes in WP e-Commerce (here as opposed to the instinct forums) you need to find a better hobby.

    I would bet my little finger that Chris Wallace is a more experienced theme designer then you – so if it is good enough for Chris then it is certainly good enough for 99% of the WordPress community.

    Thanks again to Chris for his hard work!!

    (and a big boo to people that just complain and never contribute)

    it does look like a gorgeous theme.

    can any o’ y’all verify for me if simplecart provides grid view w/o gold cart files? i suspect not, and yes i could test it … but that would require me breaking my site for a sec….. so yes, i’m lazy but thanks in advance!

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