• ResolvedPlugin Author Josh


    There is a lot of confusion over WP Edit, WordPress 3.9, and Ultimate Tinymce. Please read this to get a clear understanding.

    Ultimate Tinymce
    This plugin was going into it’s third year on www.ads-software.com. It had been updated over 50 times.. and went through many version numbers.

    Not every feature of Ultimate Tinymce was immediately available when it was initially released. Instead, I took feedback (both positive and negative) and turned it around and put it back into the plugin.

    Only after two years, did it become the plugin it was just before the update to WordPress 3.9. Try to imagine what it must feel like to lose two years of work you had done for free.

    Ultimate Tinymce Buttons
    Many of the buttons available in Ultimate Tinymce were developed by 3rd party, open source, programmers. These are buttons such as the “YouTube”, “Clker”, “Advanced Link”, “Advanced HTML”, and many others.

    I found them in the open source community… modified them to function within WordPress.. and pumped them out into Ultimate Tinymce. This was a fairly easy task for each button… only requiring 10 or 20 lines of code to be modified.

    All these buttons were coded to work with TinyMCE version 3. They primarily used javascript.. and some were up to 5 and 6 years old.. but they still functioned in Tinymce version 3.

    TinyMCE Version 4
    Now, since the update to WordPress 3.9… they have included version 4 of the TinyMCE software. This update is extreme with TinyMCE.. and they have completely rewritten how their framework operates.

    This change has blown out 90% of the addons that were originally written to work on the TinyMCE framework. They simply will not work.

    And it’s not an easy change this time. It’s an entirely new framework. Every single line of code has to be evaluated and re-written.

    WP Edit
    With WP Edit… you are getting the default WordPress editor.. as it’s designed in version 3.9. You are also getting the additional buttons of TinyMCE that were removed by WordPress.

    These removed buttons include items such as “Subscript”, “Superscript”, “HTML Code”, and others. They are freely available in WP Edit.. and nothing has been removed from their funtionality.

    WP Edit Pro Buttons
    Now, the buttons available in WP Edit Pro, are buttons I have taken the old code… stripped it completely down… and re-wrote the entire addon. This doesn’t happen over night. I’ve been working on these for six months. And I’m only halfway done.

    I have locked myself in my basement… neglected my personal life and my family… and worked myself silly in an attempt to get these plugins updated in time for WP 3.9.

    I had a difficult enough time getting the new buttons to replicate their old functionality, that I didn’t have time for hardly anything else. Hell, I haven’t even had time to properly document the plugins.

    In conclusion; I’ve worked on WP Edit for two months. I could have completely ignored it.. and just made the pro version available. But I took the extra time… dealt with all the stress of knowing my premium customers were going to suffer because I had to spend time coding a free version… and got it available on WP.

    I’m sorry the buttons have changed. I’m sorry the new updated has crippled old button functionality. But these are beyond my control.

    The only thing within my control was to begin working feverishly on updates.. and get them released in proper working condition. It is in this regard I know I have excelled.

    The Future
    WP Edit will undergo updates. I can’t make the two years I spent developing Ultimate Tinymce magically work on a completely new framework. It will take time.

    Thank you for reading.


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  • Hats off to you Josh, and the crew at TinyMCE. I can only imagine what you had to feel like when you realized that the WP 3.9 release was going to destroy all of the work you had put into Ultimate TinyMCE! In fact, after seeing what happened, I have to say that I might have thrown in the towel had it been me! However, I had no fear that you and the TinyMCE crew would come up with a “fix” for the problem…and, you did!

    I don’t know if anyone is really paying attention to what happened here, but for anyone that has been using TinyMCE knows…it is hands down the best editor program in the WordPress community! AND…hello people…for the most part…IT WAS FREE! Do any of you realize the work that went into this FREE plugin??? The free version had more functionality built into it than any 5 plugins in the community!

    Josh Lobe, being the professional that he is…took the bull by the horns and, with virtually NO WAITING, provided all of us with yet ANOTHER FREE PLUGIN to handle the changes that were thrown at him and his crew with the release of WP 3.9! Not only did they address the problem…but they actually allowed you to export everything from TinyMCE over to WpEdit! Unbelievable! These guys need to be commended and congratulated for the work they have done for the WP Community and for the users of TinyMCE.

    Thank you Josh for being so committed to your followers and having all of our best interest at heart. I hope everyone here understands the dedication you have to the WP Community and the users of TinyMCE. On behalf of all of the TinyMCE users…I thank you much! I am looking forward to the next era of your plugin and can’t wait to see what you guys can do with the new functionality provided by the latest WordPress version! In fact, thank you to ALL the hard working programmers that make WordPress the very best out there!

    -Dee Blackman, Sr. Editor

    There’s no doubting your dedication to the community, and I certainly appreciate all that you’ve done. With time, I feel confident your plug-in will be the go-to must-have item it once was.

    I’ll just heap on a little more praise and appreciation. Having seen a few of the slams you got for the loss of some free functionality, I’m really impressed by the tactful and truthful way you responded to each hand every one, and your continued enthusiastic support. Yup, real professionalism. The timing of the demolition of the code base on which you built Ultimate TinyMCE could hardly have been more catastrophic for you. It was tough taking personal hits for moving *some* of the big-ticket work items forced on you to the paid version, while keeping most of the not-so-huge items free. Clearly your excellent work and dedication to the community are appreciated by most of us, and this article explaining the situation to those who didn’t know should help with the critics.

    Get some rest. But not too much, there’s more to do be done ??

    Plugin Author Josh


    @ldjautobody, @das Capitolin, @ sootsnoot…

    Well, what a surprise when I awoke.. and read these replies. It was the first day I’ve awaken; and not felt the immense pressure when opening the forum and reading replies. Thank you to all.

    I’m so glad we are moving forward with things. I know there is still much work to do.. but we are now one step closer ??

    Thanks guys, I really, really appreciate the kind words. If I ever needed them… now was the time ??

    You deserve the appreciation. If other plugin developers understood how important support is when it comes to plugins the repository wouldn’t be the mess it is today. You really have no idea what you are getting or how it will actually function until you install it. My personal experience is that 90% of useful plugins will require some sort of tweaking, which can be really difficult without proper support.

    I advise everyone to visit each plugins individual forum before using or even downloading any plugin. Finding a plugin with great support is the most important feature, much more important than the plugin itself.

    Not enough developers get the praise they deserve. Wouldn’t it be great if you could sort the plugins by rated support?

    Thanks again Josh, had to jump back in and read these added replies. Great plugin, even better support!

    First, thank you for all you do for us. WP-Edit is a great start at rebuilding what we often took for granted with Ultimate TinyMCE. I regret that you had to rebuild this from scratch, but I am impressed and thankful at the massive outpouring of support you have received. It is unfortunate that some people assume that authors of free software have a debt to keep their software working with each new release with no problems. We, as users, have an obligation to read documentation and to test. Free software is a gift, and free software such as WP-edit is a treasure. Thank you for your openness and for your dedication. You may never see our faces, but you bring smiles across the Internet. Thank you.



    Aww Josh,

    Big thanks for all you’ve done!

    You know how a three year old says … why? and you give the answer and they say … why? again times infinity. Well, thanks so much giving/telling explaining … the WHY to us. It all makes sense. So sorry folks slammed you, they didn’t ‘get’ the ‘why’ or how could they possibly have slammed/blamed you?

    I appreciate the WordPress Community very much and want to see at least one of my projects be wildly successful so that I can give back in a substantial way.

    In the meantime, what you do, have done, has given so many people a leg up, self included, you have affected so many lives for the good, albeit in an unspoken way, but a profound one. Be proud, friend.

    Gratitude dominus.


    Plugin Author Josh


    You know how a three year old says … why? and you give the answer and they say … why? again times infinity.

    Lol – here is how it ended last time (I have a five year old)…

    her: Can I have (insert whatever piece of suger/candy here)?
    me: No.

    her: Why?
    me: Because I said so.

    her: Why?
    me: Because some things are and some things just aren’t.

    her: Why?
    me: Because if everything was… then nothing could be.

    her: Why?
    me: Because if… you know what… just take the candy!

    Thank you so much for the kind words. I remember when I first got involved in the WordPress community. I had no idea how many people dedicated their time to something of this magnitude.

    Sure, there will be hurdles… but it’s how we overcome these hurdles TOGETHER that will always remain important and trump everything else.

    Thank you @arealpolitik, @david, @b… those types of ‘tokens of appreciation’ let me know, without and doubt, I’m moving in the right direction ??

    Thanks to everyone!

    issue free version.

    wp 3.9

    broke every single site that used sliders, menuas and had me yelled at by little old ladies and neighborss who do not like the update.

    please consider integrating the old icons so i stop getting yelled at.

    thank you.

    also i know you want to make money so does everyone however consider making a non profit version available for these folks (so i don’t get screamed at.)

    ultimate tiny did not uninstall cleanly. that was cake work to fix.

    updated plugin to wp edit on wp platform 3.9

    sites broke.

    deactivated it, uninstalled it site still broke, had to deactivate and then individually reactivate every single other plugin.

    then reintegrated wp edit, sites all broke again. (y broke i mean all posts pages etc were not displaying sliders broken videos not playing etc. not the code errors)

    uninstalled it, then reinstalled it, still broke.

    uninstalled it, deactivated all plugins, reinstalled it, still broke.

    uninstalled it reactivated ach plugin individually, (sites working here) installed wp edit one last time site broke.

    uninstalled it for the last time, deactivated all plugins reactivated

    was asked how do i know it was not my fault by a moderator, because i tried this on each site that uses wp 3.9 on netowrksolutions and each one broke each time.


    Plugin Author Josh


    I’m sorry, but your post is not very concise or specific. You have provided no details other than it doesn’t work.

    In order for me to troubleshoot, I need a very clear, concise set of steps I can follow to replicate the issue.

    What exactly is not working?

    I have a problem with font sizes.
    In Ultimate TinyMCE the font sizes was in px (12px,14px, 16px, 18px, 20px etc) now in wp edit the font sizes is pt. All my contents of all my sites is in px and now when i try to make any changes i change the font size with code.
    Please can you add the px font sizes in new update of wp edit? Or can you suggest me any solution to add the good Ultimate TinyMCE px font sizes?
    I hope to solve soon this issue!

    En route to figuring out why my beloved html button had disappeared, I ran into the various threads discussing the switch from Ultimate Tiny MCE to WP Edit.

    Like another poster above, I also appreciate that you have taken the time to talk about the reasons behind the shifts, including the introduction of paid versions.

    We might not like to hear it, but it’s a reality that all this functionality costs time. Not just the coding itself, but the immense amount of effort spent supporting the code, once built.

    I was put off to be routed to an unknown website, discover that a plugin had changed names and was now charging for features. But this reactivity on my part was quelled when I read the background for the changes. I hope this proves true for others, and that enough of us purchase to provide you support.

    I appear to be stuck.

    I have a WordPress site that was auto-updated to 3.9 which had Ultimate TinyMCE. My editor is now not working.

    I read that TinyMCE was replaced by WP Edit however on its web site it clearly states that it is only compatible with WordPress 3.9.1 not 3.9.

    When I have my WordPress check for updates it says I am running the most recent version 3.9.1 in order to run WP Edit.

    Any ideas how we can find something similar to Ultimate TinyMCE that will run on 3.9 or where one can find 3.9.1?

    @ MikeFKing

    Just FYI, we have several sites currently running WP 3.9 and WP Edit without any issue, and theses are running many different plugins as well not issue.

    Keep in mind WP 3.9 is the latest STABLE version of WordPress. WordPress 3.9.1 is currently available for developers, 3.9.1 should be out stable in the future.

    Plugin Author Josh


    Yes, I’m sorry. I have updated the readme. That was my fault.

    WP Edit will work on WordPress versions 3.9 and above.

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