• Hi guys,

    I have upgraded my WP-EMail to version 2.0. I need some of you guys to help me test for bugs/typos.

    Below are some of the changes.
    // Version 2.00 (20-11-2005)
    – FIXED: Did Not Strip Slashes In Remarks Field
    – FIXED: All Of WordPress Permlink Styles Should Work Now
    – FIXED: Better Localization Support (80% Done, Will Leave It In The Mean Time)
    – NEW: EMail Administration Panel
    – NEW: EMail Templates Editable Online Via The Administration Panel
    – NEW: Change EMail Options Online Via The Administration Panel
    – NEW: Every EMail Sent Will Be Logged
    – NEW: Uses WordPress Default Query Instead Of Own
    – NEW: Uses Most Of The WordPress Functions To Get Data Instead Of Own
    – NEW: Able To EMail Page Also
    – NEW: If No Remarks Is Made, It Is Known As N/A

    Please get back to me if there is any error through my email/forum/this thread.

    Download: https://www.lesterchan.net/others/downloads.php?id=13

    Thanks guys!

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  • Thread Starter Lester Chan


    I cant get the htaccess to work with WP 2.0. I am still trying.

    Is there a way to add the email link to archived pages? So far I can only get it to show on the front page. If I try to put the call to funtion inside the post.php it screws up the entire site.

    Thread Starter Lester Chan


    yes u can, do u have a archives.php or something?

    not in the themes folder. I assumed the post.php inside my theme folder was the one called for archive pages.

    I’m using 2.0

    Thread Starter Lester Chan


    werrd, then when you put it what error did u get?

    no “error,” but post preview stopped working and every post was empty except for comments. The content was gone.

    I guess I should say that I’m using the connections theme on 2.0.2

    Thread Starter Lester Chan


    post preview? Erm u just add in <?php email_link(); ?> and the thing stopped working?

    yes, when I added it to the post.php, it screwed something up. I have no idea why. I had to replace most of the files (with originals) to get the blog working again. I thought it might have been a syntax error, but I went through each line of code. There must have been a conflict or something. I don’t dare try it again.

    Thread Starter Lester Chan


    email_link jsut generate text, it cant screw things up. Can you put it in and let me see it?

    If you’re asking me to screw up my site again, the answer is no. Sorry. I did manage to get it to work, however, by inserting inside the post.php but using the files list interface instead of the template interface (if that maks any sense) Seems to be working now.

    I think from now on I’m going to make code changes via ftp, so I can better see what I’m doing wiht out all the line breaks and such that automatically happen in the html editors.

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