Hello support, Thank you for clarifying the steps needed for me to have www and Non-www domain registered with SSL.
Why isn’t this a default?
Why would I have to go through the hoops just to get non-www domain added?
It would make things easier.
Please update your FAQ ” How to install SSL for both www & non-www version of my domain?”
For anyone reading this, here is the solution
1) From the left panel menu, WP Encryption, hit RESET to RESET KEYS AND CERTIFICATE.
2) You may need to refresh your screen or click on another menu and then go back to WP Encryption.
a) For Step 1 of Registration, there is NO option visible to include non-www
b) In the URL window, you will see page=wp_encryption
type in &includewww=1 at the end.
c) It will look like this. page=wp_encryption&includewww=1
d) Hit enter and just above where it says “Anonymously send…” you will now see the option to Generate SSL for both www & non www.
e) Check Mark and agree to the terms and click Generate SSL Certificate.
Thank you Support!
This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by