• seriously WP-FB-AutoConnect is a great plugin but this is the third friggin update today alone. Will you please stop releasing 10 updates a week especially when it has nothing to do with making sure the plugin works. I am really ready to bail and find another plugin.

    i applaud your efforts but make wit 22 sites it is a pain to upgrade 3 times a day

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  • Thank you. And again, I really was far more insulted by the other guy’s tone than yours. I guess I should say that in your case, it was just a bit more surprise – that you might say i.e. “I am really ready to bail and find another plugin” just because of frequent updates – especially if it was working for you even *without* the updates. There really is nothing wrong with using a previous version if it works and does exactly what you want (hell, I’m still using Windows XP!). That really is your choice, all I was trying to do was give you (and others) the *option* of upgrading, should you choose to take it. It certainly seemed like searching for an entirely new plugin, one whose author doesn’t maintain it as actively, would be an odd choice to make ??

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