• I’m seeing errors with I attempt to validate my WP feeds using https://feedvalidator.org/
    For my RSS 2 feed <https://billday.com/wp-rss2.php&gt;, the validator returns:
    This feed does not validate.
    line 19, column 88: author must include an email address (10 occurrences) [help]
    … 1@yahoo.com)
    For my Atom 0.3 feed <https://billday.com/wp-atom.php&gt;, it returns:
    This feed does not validate.
    line 186, column 3: Invalid HTML: EOF in middle of construct [help]
    I’m seeing strange characters and numbers in my feed on some
    aggregation sites (Artima.com’s “Wireless Buzz”, for instance;
    see: https://www.artima.com/buzz/community.jsp?forum=150
    to view the problem for my WP generated BillDay.com feed).
    In other cases, aggregators (examples: PlanetJava.org and
    PlanetSun.org) are incapable of parsing my WP feed and so
    do not include my posts in their aggregate streams.
    This problem has been bothering me since I started using
    WP 1.0.1 two months ago. Is this a known issue? If so, has it
    been addressed in a subsequent WP release?
    Thanks for any assistance you can provide,
    Bill Day

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  • Both are known issues. Both will be dealed with in the next release. ??

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    Alternatively, just go into wp-rss2.php and delete the line that puts the email address in the feed. Since I’d rather not have my email address in my feed anyway (and it’s not necessary), it doesn’t hurt to get rid of it and then the feed validates. My atom feed validates just fine (I’m using WP 1.0.2).

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