• Resolved poppy1



    I have WP version 4.6.6, and WP-FileManager version 1.4.0.

    We’ve been using the WP-FileManger for a while, and all the sudden the uploading file function started fail. We can still create a new folder or download files through WP-FileManager. The Uploading is the only one not working.

    I tried changing the file permission of folder we are uploading to ‘775’. I downloaded WP File Manager version 1.6, but still the same issue.

    Any help will be appreciated.


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  • Plugin Author mndpsingh287



    Thanks for contacting the support. It can be your server issue because plugin is working fine on all other servers.

    Thanks again,

    Thread Starter poppy1


    Thank you for responding, mndpsingh287.

    I contacted GoDaddy and they moved ours to newer server, which seemed to cause this issue since the issue started happening right after the migration. They reset the file permission on all files, but the uploading file issue still remains.

    Is there any suggestion where I can troubleshoot the wordpress database to check about this issue?


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