WP Gravatar Newbie
I have installed WP Gravatar v2.7.1 for use with WP v2.6.2.
First… are these two compatible with one another… although it does seem to be working properly on my blog. Is there a better way to display avatars with WP 2.6.2 other than using this plugin?
Second… I am admin with administrator privledges. I am also Charles and Carter Black with contributor privledges. My problem is I can only get the default admin gravatar to display. How can I get a gravatar for Carter Black to display when logged in as Carter Black and/or Charles?
WordPress 2.6.2 has gravatar support built in. You don’t need any plugin to use gravatars.
Just add the get_avatar() function to the correct places in your theme. Examine the default theme’s comments.php file for an example of this.
I have deactivated the gravatar plugin… I then went to the wordpress default theme comments.php page but did not find anything regarding avatars. I’m afraid I don’t know where to go from here.
I am currently using WP v2.6.2 with Quadruple Blue v1.0
The “Just add the get_avatar() function to the correct places in your theme” does not mean alot to me since I do not know “where” or “which” file(s) I need to modify.
I’m afraid I need more guidance and handholding if possible.
-charlesLook at the default theme. Look at its comments.php file. Look for “get_avatar”. Copy the example code there.
The default theme that comes with 2.6.2 does indeed have the get_avatar code in it. Line 30.
Thank you for providing that link because in my version of the 2.6.2 comments.php file the “get_avatar” line was missing.
In the Quadruple Blue theme here is what is currently available around those same line numbers:
– – – – –
<?php foreach ($comments as $comment) : ?>
<li class=”<?php echo $oddcomment; ?>” id=”comment-<?php comment_ID() ?>”>
<div class=”commentmetadata”>
<?php comment_author_link() ?>, <?php _e(‘on’); ?> ” title=””><?php comment_date(‘F jS, Y’) ?> <?php _e(‘at’);?> <?php comment_time() ?> <?php _e(‘Said:’); ?> <?php edit_comment_link(‘Edit Comment’,”,”); ?>
<?php if ($comment->comment_approved == ‘0’) : ?>
<?php _e(‘Your comment is awaiting moderation.’); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
</div>– – – – –
Where would the <?php echo get_avatar( $comment, 32 ); ?> line go in this file?
FYI I added…
<?php echo get_avatar( $comment, 32 ); ?>
…to the WordPress Default 1.6 by Michael Heilemann comments.php file which is apparently my default theme.
I’m not getting anything in the way of an avatar using that theme either.
Thank you for providing that link because in my version of the 2.6.2 comments.php file the “get_avatar” line was missing.
Then you do not really have WordPress 2.6.2, do you? I mean, it’s not like there is more than one.
Redownload WordPress: https://www.ads-software.com/download/
Also, if you added the code and don’t see a change, then you didn’t add the code in the right place. Perhaps you’re not editing the site you think you’re editing? I can’t tell you exactly what you’re doing wrong, just that you are doing something wrong.
When you put it like that I won’t say I’ll bet my life on it. At the bottom of my admin screen it says:
Thank you for creating with WordPress | Documentation | Feedback | Version 2.6.2
I upgraded my WP from a previous version using WPAU. If the wrong version is installed… does that mean that WPAU isn’t working properly?
I added that line to:
I only have one site so I’m editing the file shown above that is residing on my site.
Two questions:
1. Would you like access to my site to look at things for yourself?2. If I re-install WP… what file do I save to ensure that I don’t lose any content already posted?
Okay, downloaded the 2.6.2 file from the link you provied.
I went to the CODEX and followed the backup procedure explicitly.
De-activated pluggins.
Deleted files/directories as specified in the CODEX.
Uploaded all new files into their respective directories.
Ran …/wordpress/wp-admin/upgrade.php
Receive: No Upgrade Required … Your WordPress database is already up-to-date!
Clicked the Continue botton and from there all I get is a white screen even after clearing cache several times.
This whole process is going from bad to worse.
During the night a thought came to me to check the theme and see what/if it was activated.
When I went into the design panel, the active theme (default) had an error saying it was broken. I deactivated it… activated Classic… deactivated it and re-activated the default theme.
Both themes now seem to be displaying properly except I still don’t have avatars with either theme!
If the default won’t display avatars. which… according to Otto42 it should, after a complete fresh install then what is going on?
Is there anyone out there that will lend a hand to help me sort this out? I hope so… thank you!
Please know that I appreciate the fact that WP is freeware and is being supported by the help of dedicated volunteers. I know that you must all be busy and that not everyone can be an expert in everything… so, I am hoping that someone with some experience in getting avatars to work with WP 2.6.2 will kindly step in and lend a hand. Thanks ??
With that being said, it would appear that the only way to get avatars to show in v2.6.2 is to use the WP GRAVATAR plugin. I reactived this plugin and my avatar is now displaying.
Armed with this and the experience over the past 24 hours it appears that the built-in avatar support may be broken… at least that is my opinion unless someone will help show me otherwise.
So, back to my original question #2:
I am “admin” with administrator privledges. I am also “Charles” and “Carter Black” each with contributor privledges and their own avatars. My problem is I can only get the default admin avatar to display. How can I get an avatar for “Carter Black” to display when logged in as Carter Black and the same for “Charles”?
BTW I have tried logging on to the WP GRAVATAR support forum for help, but that seems to be broken also. It recognizes my username, but I have be unable to login successfully… I keep getting an invalid password error. I’ve requested it to be re-sent, but I don’t receive anything in my email as it said I should.
The built in avatar support works fine, many (most) people are using it without problems. I’m using it on my own blog, in point of fact.
Again, we cannot help you if you’re using a plugin. You need to talk to that plugin’s author.
Question: When you added the get_avatar() call, did you actually turn on gravatars on the Settings->Discussion screen as well?
Good morning.
I deactivated the plugin.
I checked Settings->Discussion…
Show Avatars is selected
Maximun Rating = G
Default Avatar = Mystery Man for nowHere is an excerpt of the default comments.php…
<li <?php echo $oddcomment; ?>id=”comment-<?php comment_ID() ?>”>
<?php echo get_avatar( $comment, 32 ); ?>
<cite><?php comment_author_link() ?></cite> Says:
<?php if ($comment->comment_approved == ‘0’) : ?>
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
<?php endif; ?>Where do we go from here???
What folder should my avatar be in???
What do you mean “what folder”? Your avatar comes from gravatar.com and is tied to your email address. That’s sorta the whole point of gravatars. You don’t have them on your own site. See that picture just to the left of my name on this forum? That’s my gravatar, from gravatar.com. It shows up on any site using gravatars that I make comments on.
Why don’t you post a link to your page, so I can see the avatar on the page itself?
I’m really trying to understand what problem you are having, exactly, but I’m not really getting it. Adding avatars to a theme takes all of 5 seconds. The line of code you used is correct, so accordingly, the avatars are there. Maybe they’re not where you expect them to be, perhaps? I mean, I don’t know what to tell you, it’s just as simple as I’ve described it, so I need you to explain exactly what the problem you are having is in extreme detail, because I’m not getting it here.
You know when someone uses the term “newbie” some extra care or explanation is usually warranted.
Not once did you mention that avatars were not supported… only gravatars from gravatar.com. That would have saved a lot of time… mostly mine.
I have signed up for an account and uploaded my image. I received this back…
What do I do with this… in other words where do I need to insert this information?
I noticed that my image already shows up on this board… but I’m still not receiving it on mine.
Well, I thought that that was rather obvious. It’s called a “Gravatar” after all. And you did try to use a gravatar plugin. Gravatars are everything you’ve talked about here.
And you don’t insert that information anywhere. Your site figures it out. A gravatar is tied to your email address. As long as you use the same email address, then it’s automatic.
Anyway, I’ll ask again: Give me a link to your site. Tell me where on your site you expect to see the gravatar. I can’t help you any further without actually SEEING your actual site.
The reason I ask for this is because from what you have told me, you already have gravatars on your site. I think you just don’t know where to look for them. Look at your comments on any post. If you want to see them somewhere else, then I need to know where you expect to see them, so that I can tell you how to make that happen.
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