• Basically I use xampp for my wordpress site and I am working on it locally (localhost). And everything was fine and I finished working on it closed apache and mysql. The next day when I sat to work on it again it was asking me to install wordpress.

    Also for some reason I saw that when I press at a table in phpmyadmin it says “Table doesnt exist in engine”.

    I saw many suggestions about this which I tried.

    -> One of them being the host having a limited amount of queries but I am using localhost so therefore this does not apply to me right.?

    -> Table prefix in wp-config.php is correct and matches all tables in phpmyadmin.

    ->I copied backup into the data of mysql and still the same. ( and also tried doing it without copying ibdata1)

    Please tell me what can I do it’s alot of my work that I did..

    • This topic was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by James Huff. Reason: moved to Localhost Installs since this is a localhost install
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  • Hi @wizardev ,

    It seems like your WordPress installation isn’t connecting properly to the database, which is why it’s asking you to reinstall. Here are some steps you can try to resolve the issue:

    1. Check MySQL Status: Since you’re using XAMPP, ensure that MySQL is running properly. Open XAMPP and check if MySQL is running without errors. If it’s not starting correctly, you might have a corrupted MySQL database.
    2. Database Table Integrity: The message “Table doesn’t exist in engine” suggests that some of your database tables might be corrupted. You can try repairing the tables from phpMyAdmin:
      • Open phpMyAdmin.
      • Select your WordPress database.
      • Under the Operations tab, find the option to repair the tables.
    3. Review wp-config.php File: Double-check your wp-config.php file to ensure the database credentials are correct, including the database name, username, password, and host (usually localhost for XAMPP). Also, confirm that the table prefix matches the one used in your database.
    4. Corrupted Data File (ibdata1): Since you mentioned copying the backup and not including the ibdata1 file, it’s possible that the database’s metadata got corrupted. Unfortunately, restoring from a backup without this file can lead to issues with InnoDB tables. You could try using your backup with the ibdata1 file to restore the tables.
    5. Error Logs: Check your Apache and MySQL error logs in the XAMPP control panel to see if there are any clues about what went wrong.
    6. Test with a Fresh Installation: If nothing else works, try setting up a new XAMPP installation and importing your database into the new environment. This can help identify whether the issue is with the XAMPP setup itself or the database.

    Let me know if this helps, and I hope you can recover your work!

    Thread Starter wizardev


    @jawedrs Sorry for the late response. I downloaded an earlier version of my xampp and used it and it was working fine. Then it happened again without any reason, mysql wasn’t able to connect.

    So I copied my backup and pasted it in the data and then mysql was connected but when I went into phpmyadmin the database tables were corruped “Table doesn’t exist in engine”. I tried repairing and for each one of those cases of my tables this is what it was written “wp_actionscheduler_actions’ doesn’t exist in engine Status Operation failed“. I am not sure what is the reason this happens out of nowhere. I might try test with a fresh installation like you said.

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