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  • You can create a “home” page and make it your static front page.
    admin – “Settings” – “Reading”


    Thread Starter apertureboy



    yes, I have a page called home set to static in settings – reading. And the code I mentioned above works fine for the navigation. But, the link to the homepage is, as it should be normally. As I said, my client wants a splash page for some reason – a page that is only seen when you first visit the site. I simply created index.html – so this loads when you first visit the site. Then you click to enter the site, where the navigation is. So, the top navigation has home – about us – etc… this home button links back to index.html and I want it to link to which is the static home page. But I cant find a way to change the url using

    if (is_home()) {$pg_li .="current_page_item";} ?>
    <?php wp_list_pages('title_li='); ?>

    to change the home link to /home/ anyone try to do this b4?


    This might do what you want:

    Create a Page called Splash Page, and set it as your home page in the WP dashboard. This will be at

    Create another page called “Home”. This will be at

    Exclude your Splash Page from your main navigation using wp_list_pages(‘title_li=&exclude=1’), but replacing 1 with your Splash Page’s ID.


    Thread Starter apertureboy


    Yes, that does sound like it might work. Ill give it a try. Never thought of that.


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