• Hi!
    I have recently installed WordPress on my hosting. The installation went well, I got my admin pass, but the problem appears when I try to login to the control panel of my blog. When I load wp-login.php and I insert admin and the password, the only thing I get is a Blank Page. No error messages, only a Blank Page. It happens with Explorer, Firefox, etc.
    Can you help me?
    Thank you!
    The demonstration that it’s installed correctly: https://www.runtimecomics.com

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  • willisjw


    Ok, there seem to be a mix of problems reported here, but let me chime in. I had a working 2.7 installation until this morning. All of a sudden when I click on login I get a blank page — no request for passwords — nothing. https://www.macgardens.org goes to https://wp.macfusion.org/wp-login.php and it’s completely blank. Some of the solutions discussed here sound like they would wipe out my whole website. I’ve emptied the cache, deleted the wp cookies, looked at the error log, and renamed the plugins folder. Nothing changes. Drop your database? What does that mean and imply?



    Well, my problem is now resolved. I replaced the wp-login.php file with one from a new install package and everything now works as it should.

    I had the same problem, but none of the solutions worked for me (i didn’t try to drop the DB of course).
    I had changed encoding to utf-8 (bad habit) in wp-includes\wpmu-funcions.php file, so when i changed that back – no blank page appeared.

    I was having a similar problem with my site. I searched high and low and followed all the recommendations (disabled plugins, checked wp-config.php, checked for trailing blank line in wp-login/wp-admin php files, etc). It wasn’t until I went into my DB and reverted to the default theme that I started taking a hard look at the theme I was running (boldlines). I noticed there was a blank line at the end of the theme’s functions.php. I removed the blank line and everything started to work just fine. Perhaps this will help someone else.


    Thanks rale, the blank line at the end of functions.php seemed to be my problem as well.

    Deleting the blank lines at the end of the fucntion.php solved my recursive problem too!

    As like 20 people have said you need to delete the blank lines at the end of the fucntion.php. Check out https://www.homebuilderwholesale.com

    Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!
    I had the same problem, and did what many of you did, i.e. delete the blank lines at the end of the functions.php file.

    I had added a function to the file, and then decided to delete that function, and I think it was then that the blank lines got in the document, but I would have never been able to guess that was the problem by myself!

    I had the same problem but also found that having multiple php lines like this


    will also make the wp-admin crash. Easy fix but would not have discovered it without Rale ??

    This post helped a lot!! Thanks my blank page issues is solved

    – This post helped : https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/230970?replies=3

    Renaming plugins folder resolve my problem. Thanks.

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