I think I actually figured this out. I will post here in case anyone else runs into this and thinks it is the hide feature or WP Better Security.
I did as Handoko suggested and renamed both my plugin folder and .htaccess folder. I still received the 404 message. I switched over to Internet Explorer to see if it would make any difference. What I found there was the wp-login spun and spun, and then literally five minutes later came up with a CAPTCHA validation, which reads: The server <your domain> at WordPress attack protection CAPTCHA. It then shows a randomly generated username and password that you have to enter. You are then taken to your login page.
I contacted my host, and it turns out they did this to me. It is an “additional security feature”, for all WP sites on their servers. Would have been nice to be alerted… anyway, to get around the speed issue and Chrome issue I found that if you add the following just above the WP stuff in htaccess you can once again access your login pages after entering the CAPTCHA:
ErrorDocument 401 default
Its the same thing you do if you password protect your wp-admin folder. Thanks for your help Handoko, hopefully this will help someone else.