• siounis


    I see now that this plugin is the only one of its kind.

    It gives users a lot more option fields to fill out while registering giving me more information about them. It also protects, pages, posts and even RSS feeds if you are not logged in, but- and this is important- I dont care for that feature.

    Here is a demo from the plugins site: https://butlerblog.com/wp-memdemo/

    So first: If anyone knows any other plugins that do the above- hit me up. (Remember, I dont care about the protected posts) Ive looked everywhere.


    Using this plugin is hard. I ran into some walls. I got 2 questions:
    1- Can users log in and re edit/update their information? I looked around and kind find an edit feature.

    2- There is no easy way to register. I found the only way one even can register is when they are faced with a restricted page. So, since my site is made up of pages, I made the single.php private and made just one post which has become my registration page. But is there an easier way for people to register? Like to register for registering, but not for seeing a post? This question isnt so important as the above one cause of the loop hole.

    I should also mention that ButlerBlog has no contact info- neither on his read me, so I hope he/she can help me.

    You can get the plug in here: https://butlerblog.com/wp-members/

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  • Thread Starter siounis


    if anything, tell me why the edits i make to my wp-members-inc.php dont work

    Chad Butler


    I hope you were at least able to get your edits to show! (Also, in terms of the RSS feeds, that is a user defined option to block or not to block.)

    First, I’ll try to answer your questions. There is currently no edit/update feature. That’s been on the to-do list for quite some time, but hasn’t been completed. The way I am working toward including that ties in with the answer to your second question.

    You are correct that the user is only faced with registration when faced with a restricted page. The simple explanation is that the early version of the plugin was designed for a site that used “teaser” copy and did not invite the user to register until coming to the actual content page.

    Both of these issues are currently being addressed as I intend to include a page that can be used as a “members page.” That could be used to handle registration, updating profiles, etc.

    Sorry about the contact info. Unfortunately, the readme for the production version (1.8) is not totally correct. But the contact info is in the wp-members.php file header.

    On that note, I am tipping my hand a little bit here. There are some updates and additional plugins coming out that are just waiting for me to get the site moved. The whole blog is moving from one server to another (same host). Once that is done, WP-Members is getting its own subdomain and we will roll out some additional products. Here’s what is coming:

    WP-Members 1.9 -> contains some much needed bug fixes and will continue as a separate trunk because…

    WP-Members 2.0 -> will be released. 2.0 is a quantum leap forward. I ditched WP-Members having its own tables in the database. This was because I want it to more easily integrate with other tools that might use the users table, such as bbPress or another forum. (Incidentally, the WP-Members site will contain, in addition to being a demo of the plugin, a user support forum.) 1.9 support will continue and the two versions will be available simultaneously as I know some users like having the user table separate from their WordPress users table. I will be tying in the user update/registration page probably in the 2.1 release.

    WP-Members Lite -> This wonderful little plugin was developed on an evening when I was literally so frustrated with the entire project that I just started from scratch. As plugins for non-techy types go, this is designed to run on WP 2.1 out of the box with no modifications necessary (although there are some optional function calls that could be placed into your theme files). Login is done with a sidebar widget, and the loop is protected on the fly.

    (I should also mention that both 2.0 and Lite have the ability to “unblock” content on a post by post basis, if desired.)

    Login Widget -> The login widget that is included in the above three plugins will be released as a stand-alone widget that can be used on any WP site to show user login status (or to login the user).

    All of the above will be available once I get the site moved over (hopefully this weekend). Hope that helps.

    Siounis – if you are still having trouble getting the plugin implemented, let me know and I’ll try to help out as best I can. Do you have a url of where you are running this?

    Hi cbutlerjr (sorry about my english)!

    First, congratulations for the initiative. It′s a good idea and i think it will be a lot useful for me.

    I′m trying to get it working, but I can′t. I don′t know if the WP-Members 2.0 is compatible with WordPress 2.2, is it?

    If it is, I don′t know what is happening… I had installed it, I think I did everything ok. But I′m trying to restrict a page and get other one restricted! What can be happening?


    To update my above comments, 1.9 never made it to production. I got so frustrated with it, that I just completely started from scratch. 1.8 was the final production version for 1.x.

    Also, since starting from scratch, I threw out the “lite” and “full” idea. What 2.0 ended up being was a great blend of the two, so I decided not to break out a “lite” version.

    The current production version is 2.0.1 which fixes a number of bugs from the 2.0 release.

    The login widget was also developed for 2.0, but was not released separately. I’m not sure that it is totally necessary to do that as I’m sure someone else has probably released a similar plugin?

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