• Hello Everyone,

    I’m loving everything about WP-Memebers and have it working just great for everything apart from sending what the user selects from a user field dropdown box on the registration form to Mail Chimp.

    I’ve hooked up the AutoChimp plugin – but I am very happy to ditch this for another one that may do the job instead.

    Ideally what I would like is a user to select their job profession from a drop down choice on the registration form (e.g. Nurse) then once they have clicked register (and confirmed being part of the mailinglist from the email MailChimp sends) that they are then put into the corresponding Mail Chimp list group that I have set up (e.g. the Nurse mailing list).

    Is this possible!?!? Has anyone been able to get something like this working but perhaps with a different plugin or some function php code?

    Currently AutoChimp puts the user into Mail Chimp but doesn’t bring across the user field even though I have assigned it in the Auto Chimp backend.

    Many thanks in advance,


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