WP Meteor conflicts with Inlined JQuery
Good day!
**) On many sites I have to exclude the WP jquery.min.js from WP Meteor to maintain user experience, which I can easily do using WP Meteor exclusion box (jquery.min.js).
**) Then I prefer to minimize 1 HTTP call (jquery.min.js) by inlining it in a script tag, like —
<script> ….jQuery script goes here…. </script>**) Then I exclude the inlined jquery script in WP Meteor using the string “OpenJS Foundation”
**) However, still it breaks the jquery script as it WP Meteor tries to attach itself to this part of jquery code => “<script|<style|<link…..” (script tag inside script tag issue)
See here => https://prnt.sc/1wnn3pp
Error => Uncaught SyntaxError: invalid regular expression flag b (because it alters a part of regular expression)I think you can simply test this by adding the jquery code in a inline script tag on any WP site.
It would be great if this could be fixed, basically it is a “script tag inside script tag” issue.
Thank you.
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