Hi riccetto80,
Thank you for your interest in wpDiscuz plugin.
However as far as I see you want to use other comment plugins with comment form. This is the second comment plugin you’re asking for integration.
Please note, wpDiscuz comes with its own comment form, it’s not the default WordPress comment form, so you can not use plugins like “wp-monalisa” and “Subscribe to Comments Reloaded” with wpDiscuz comment form.
wpDiscuz is designed and being designed as a All in One Comment solution with its own subscription and other features, it has 40 built-in plugins, you can see full list here: https://wpdiscuz.com/wpdiscuz-3-0-0/ . So it doesn’t support other comment plugins which tries to add some code in comment form.
You should choose, whether you use wpDiscuz with own features or you use default comment form with lots of other plugins. We’ve never said that wpDiscuz supports “wp-monalisa” and “Subscribe to Comments Reloaded” plugins, so you should expect this incompatibility. wpDiscuz comment form has it’s unique structure to handle all 40 cool features, and this unique structure is far from default WordPress form, so it can’t be used with other comment plugins which have been designed only for WordPress default comment form.
Also please note, wpDiscuz works well with most of comment plugins which are not working directly on comment form and list. For example wpDiscuz works with almost all Avatar, User Profile, Anti Spam, Cache, CDN and other plugins.