• I’ve used WP for years and admire most of its features. But one thing that simply p*sses me off time and time again, is the way that it f*cks with HTML code. I’m a web designer, so I try to implement code that will make a post look good, after every update, my code is trashed.

    I recently installed a plugin, “WP-No-Format WordPress Plugin”, which is supposed to prevent code-trashing, but it still strips out all my non-breaking spaces [?] between empty paragraph tags that I use as spacers.

    is there no end to this misery? Why – after all this GOOD coding that goes into WP, does it leave us with such a frustrating mess when we’re trying to deal with code?

    thanks for any encouragement, or simple hacks.

    (BTW – the plugin is somewhat faulty – not only does it allow non-breaking spaces to be stripped out, the editor strips out the end-comment that closes the code supposedly “protected” by this plugin. )

    (( FUNNY – the tagline I’m reading at the bottom of this very WordPress page says, “CODE IS POETRY”. Well if this is true, the poetry gets really mangled in your sweet editor, boys … BAD CODE, NO POEM!!))

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