• Hi
    When I upgraded from V2.9.2 to V3 (and v3.1) I noticd that the page and post revisions were missing from the editing pages.
    Not a big deal until the editor messed up my page and I needed to go back a version.

    I looked online and saw a post to a line in the wp-conf file:

    The fix is to access your site via FTP, edit the wp-config.php file, and look for this line:
    define('WP_POST_REVISIONS', false);
    Either delete or comment out that line, then save and re-upload the file.

    I’m self-hosted and had a look, but couldn’t find that in my wp-conf.
    So I added it myself and set it to true:
    define(‘WP_POST_REVISIONS’, true);
    Didn’t work.

    I even added it, then commented it out (you never know):
    // define(‘WP_POST_REVISIONS’, false);
    Still didn’t work (no surprise).

    I even had a look at my default-constants.php, but it looks fine:

    if ( !defined('WP_POST_REVISIONS') )
    		define('WP_POST_REVISIONS', true);

    In the end I had to go into the wp-post table in the database, sort by ID descending and scan through each line until I found the last page revision that I needed.

    I look after about 6-7 blogs and they are all the same (except one which is still on V2.9.2)… all missing the revisions.

    Is there a way to re-activate the page and post revisions within V3.1.x ?

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  • i was having the same problem, but i finally found it. if you click on “Screen Options” at the top right, you’ll be able to check Post Revisions.
    i wish this was selected by default, but oh well.


    Same issue.. my post_revisions is not working.

    I added, deleted, marked, edited .. nothing will turn it on.
    I checked the screen option. Nothing there.

    define(‘WP_POST_REVISIONS’, true);
    define(‘WP_POST_REVISIONS’, 5);

    I tried without define(‘WP_POST_REVISIONS’, true);
    I tried with define(‘WP_POST_REVISIONS’, false);
    I tried adding and deleting define(‘WP_POST_REVISIONS’, true);

    Odd, the other blog I use doesn’t even have those settings in the wp-config.php and it works there.

    I removed the code just in case.
    Same issue.

    Last ditch effort I tried a plugin.
    It at least showed up but had a few issues as it didn’t see any revisions even if I made them after the plugin. At least it showed up on the page.

    Never mind figured it out!
    In a 3.2.1 site I have the revisions option in screen options. But not in a 3.2.2 site I just loaded. What am I missing?

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